LTTyrimo tikslas – nustatyti paauglių moralinių vertybių ir prosocialaus elgesio tarpusavio sąsajas. Anketinės apklausos būdu apklausta 385 mokinių grupė, kurią sudarė 192 merginos ir 193 vaikinai. Tiriant moralinių vertybių internalizavimą nustatyta, kad visi vertybių reguliavimo komponentai labiau išreikšti merginų grupėje. Tiriant paaulių prosocialų elgesį nustatyta, kad pastarieji labiausiai linkę padėti kitam ištikus nelaimei, tačiau jiems mažiau būdingas altruistiškas elgesys ir noras padėti, kai yra nestebimi kitų. Merginoms altruistiškas elgesys ir pagalba ištikus nelaimei būdingesni nei vaikinams. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad paauglių moralinės vertybės reikšmingai susijusios su paauglių prosocialiu elgesiu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Moralinės vertybės; Paauglystė; Prosocialus elgesys; Adolescence; Moral values; Prosocial behavior.
ENIn this paper, the research object was the adolescents’ moral values and prosocial behavior expression and interrelationhip. The problem question was to find out the link of adolescents’ moral values with their prosocial behavior. While seeking to achieve the research aim – to determine the correlations between adolescents’ moral values and their prosocial behavior, the research objectives were identified: to find out the moral values internalization features of adolescents and compare by gender; to determine their prosocial behavior expression and compare by gender; to assess the interrelationship among adolescents’ moral values and prosocial behavior. Methods. The sample consisted of 385 pupils, 192 girls and 193 boys, interviewed in March–June, 2015 applying the written survey method. Results. The results indicate that the identified regulation of values among adolescents was expressed most. All regulatory components of values were more expressed in the girls’ group, but the overall value internalisation was more attributive to boys. While analyzing the prosocial behavior expression it should be noted that the 13–16 year-olds were more likely to help each other in the event of disaster. Meanwhile, they possessed the least altruistic and anonymous prosocial behavior. The most significant statistical correlation was established between the internalisation of moral values’ components and help in an event of disaster. Conclusion. This study revealed exixting differences in the internalization of moral values and prosocial behavior by gender. It also confirmed relationship between adolescents’ moral values and moral behavior. [From the publication]