Uwagi o funkcjonowaniu dworu królów Polskich w XVI wieku

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Uwagi o funkcjonowaniu dworu królów Polskich w XVI wieku
Alternative Title:
Remarks on the functioning of the Polish kings’ court in the sixteenth century
In the Journal:
Barok. 2005, 12, nr. 2 (24), p. 13-40
1569-1795. Lietuva ATR laikotarpiu.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Abiejų Tautų Respublika (ATR; Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów; Žečpospolita; Sandrauga; Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth); Krokuva; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Lenkija (Lenkijos karalystė. Kingdom of Poland. Poland); 16 amžius; Rūmai; Valdovai; Valdovo dvaras; Vilnius; 16 amžius; 16 cent.; Cracow; Kings court; Monarchs; Palace; Ruler's court; The Lithuanian XVI c. history; Vilnius.

ENThe functioning of royal court is an extremely complex and convoluted problem. Until now it has been treated quite one-sidedly, the most often in terms of customs or culture. There is a lack of serious reflection on the role and position of the royal court in Poland. At the present state of knowledge it is difficult to settle all the issues pertaining to the functioning of the court of Polish kings. It could be done only fragmentary and selectively, in form of concise remarks, which would, I hope, denote and shed some light on the importance of the problem. It might, at the same time, indicate the directions for future research. The question of paramount importance is a royal residence. Due to the personal Polish-Lithuanian union this function was shared between Cracow and Vilnius, while the situation was modified after 1569. Also, the personality of the king influenced greatly the role played by royal residence. Frequent moving of the court of Sigismund II Augustus and absence of one permanent residence complicated the activities of the court. Another interesting issue to explore in relation to the functioning of the court is its management and stewardship.Some of the monarchs relied here on their trusted people, while others preferred to personally manage it. In the sixteenth century the duties of court officials were not fully specified. There were also other problems which occurred after the Union of Lublin of 1569. Of great importance for the functioning of the court were finances and related matters of court provision as well. Still unexplored is an issue of recruitment of the state officials of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, including the courtiers. Undoubtedly, a prominent role here was played by protection. It is worth to note also a king’s attitude towards his courtiers. There are numerous evidences of royal concern for the courtiers and as many of their severe punishment. The number of plots and research tasks pertaining to the functioning of the Polish kings’ court in Old Poland is great and still open. [From the publication]

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