Viešųjų erdvių gynyba ir jos inscenizacija, pritvinkusi keistos nostalgijos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Viešųjų erdvių gynyba ir jos inscenizacija, pritvinkusi keistos nostalgijos
Alternative Title:
Defence of public spaces and its dramatization built on a strange nostalgia
In the Journal:
Kultūros barai. 2016, Nr. 9, p. 25-30
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Gynimas; Gynyba; Lietuvos kino teatras; Nostalgija; Pro-testo laboratorija; Suprekinimas; Urbanistinė kultūra; Viešasis interesas; Viešoji erdvė; Viešosios erdvės; Vilnius; Žaliasis tiltas; Commercialization; Defence; Lithuanian Cinema; Nostalgia; Pro-test laboratory; Public interest; Public space; Public spaces; The Green Bridge; Urban culture; Vilnius.

ENIn a cycle of essays the author discusses various aspects of the development and fate of Vilnius‘ urban public spaces. In this particularly essay he analyses why some campaings that were expected to defend city dwellers‘ rights to public spaces ended in disaster, however, especially campaign of „defending“ Lietuva cinema initiated and directed by artists Gediminas and Nomeda Urbonas and a group of their supporters. The result of this campaign was disastrous and even though many art critics still praise its experience, in fact the campaign was nothing more than a public spectacle.

2018-12-17 14:12:41
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