Viešoji atmintis ir juodosios urbanistinės skylės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Viešoji atmintis ir juodosios urbanistinės skylės
Alternative Title:
Public memory and black urban holes
In the Journal:
Kultūros barai. 2016, Nr. 7/8, p. 32-39
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Estetika / Aesthetics; Kolektyvinė atmintis / Collective memory; Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage; Modernizmas / Modernism; Jaunimas / Youth; Viešosios erdvės / Public spaces.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Atminimas; Atminties įamžinimas; Juodosios urbanistinės skylės; Miesto erdvių estetika; Modernizmo estetika; Paminklai; Posovietinis laikotarpis; Skulptūros; Sovietmečio stabai; Viešieji paminklai Vilniuje; Viešoji atmintis; Viešoji erdvė; Black urban holes; Modernist aesthetics; Monuments; Perpetuation of memory; Post-Soviet period; Public memory; Public monuments in Vilnius; Public space; Recollection; Sculptures; The aesthetics of urban spaces; The idols of the Soviet era.

ENThe author discusses the aesthetics of urban spaces and public monuments in Vilnius, shaped and erected during the period of independence. He notes that a large amount of lousy public monuments were erected during this period and municipal authorities did not take seriously the timely warning of late Žibuntas Mikšys, an artist who wrote an open letter to authorities two decades ago. Because of multiple reasons (lack of funds and vision as well as true understanding of their role in the city’s life), many public spaces in central areas of Vilnius still look as if they were deserted for decades.

2018-12-17 14:12:40
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