13-14 metų vaikų fizinį aktyvumą skatinantys veiksniai vaikų tėvų ir globėjų požiūriu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
13-14 metų vaikų fizinį aktyvumą skatinantys veiksniai vaikų tėvų ir globėjų požiūriu
Alternative Title:
Factors facilitating 13-14-year-old children physical activity: reflections from their parents and guardians
In the Journal:
Visuomenės sveikata [Public health]. 2016, Nr. 4 (75), p. 38-45
Fizinis ugdymas / Physical education; Sportas / Sport; Sveikatos ugdymas / Health education; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Asmeniniai veiksniai; Fizinis aktyvumas; Fizinė aplinka; Mokykla; Savivaldybė; Socialinė aplinka; Vaikai; Children; Municipality; Personal determinants; Physical activity; Physical environment; School; Social environment.

ENThe aim of this paper – to assess 13-14-year-old children‘s parents and guardians approach to the factors facilitating children physical activity at personal, school and municipal level. Methods. This article presents perspectives of 2962 parents and guardians on approaches to physical activity promotion at personal, school and municipal level in 6 selected municipalities and is based on data from research „Factors of physical activity of 13-14-year-old children in selected municipalities of Lithuania“ in 2015. Statistical and content analysis methods were used. Results. On the average, every second respondent, regardless of whether their child is physically active or passive, indicates that the municipality should take appropriate actions to increase physical activity. More participants from physically active children group than from physically passive children group emphasized the need of higher personal and school contribution. Physical activity of children mostly depends on their own willingness, will, motivation, perception of the benefit from physical activity as well as encouragement and personal examples and planning of active leisure time. Schools were seen as important setting in enabling and empowering children to be engaged in physical activities; offering various alternative extra-curriculum activities; ensuring the quality of physical education, improving infrastructure for physical activities. Participants highlighted the need to promote greater awareness of the importance and benefit from physical education. Holding events for children and their families, involving passive children to physical activities also, making focus especially on girls; also creating appropriate and friendly environment; removing the stigma would enhance the access to physical activities.The proper conditions for the physical activities, especially in rural areas – setting up new and more public areas; ensuring the quality and safety of existing ones; organizing different events for families and funding of the appropriate projects could also promote physical activity. Conclusions. Reflection of the children‘s parents and guardians provide a more extensive understanding to the factors facilitating physical activity at personal, school and municipal level, what is important when planning interventions to enhance children physical activity. [From the publication]

2021-02-24 10:08:46
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