Ilgaamžių žmonių sergamumo ir ligotumo ypatumai Lietuvoje 2010–2014 m.

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ilgaamžių žmonių sergamumo ir ligotumo ypatumai Lietuvoje 2010–2014 m
Alternative Title:
Morbidity and disease prevalence between "old-old" population of Lithuania in 2010–2014 y
In the Journal:
Visuomenės sveikata [Public health]. 2016, Nr. 2 (73), p. 37-45
Senatvė / Aging; Sveikata / Health.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ilgaamžiai; Ligotumas; Ligotumas priklausomybė nuo amžiaus; Priklausomybė nuo amžiaus; Senėjimas; Sergamumas; Age-dependence; Ageing; Disease prevalence; Morbidity; Oldest old.

ENAccording to the World Health Organization (WHO), in many countries, the fastest-growing part of the population there are very old ("old-old") people (85 years of age and older). The data of the Department of statistics of Lithuania showing, that in 2014 at this age the population was 62 000. This is 60 % more than in 2001. Aim of the study. Assessment peculiarities of the incidence and prevalence of "old-old" population in 2010- 2014, including time trends, extending age group of up to 100 y. and over, in order to find out what health problems facing "old-old" people, number of which in the future will increase. Material and methods. Target population – people in long-lasting age (85 years of age and older) and living in Lithuania. Reference years (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), gender (male, female), age groups (85–89, 90–94, 95–99, 100 y.). The number of persons affected and the number of newly registered persons with particular diseases obtained from compulsory health insurance information system "Sveidra". The trends of the rates and the calculation of the forecasts was based on the data from squared polynomial regression trend model. Age dependence of indicators evaluated using of three indicators – the absolute growth rate, speed of the growth, and growth augmentation. Results and conclusions. The incidence of Group of long-lived people increasing in 2010–2014. At the beginning of the period was the 450,8/1000 at the end – 618,5, per/1000 population. It was predicted that if the growth trend will not change if the morbidity (condition caeteris paribus), in 2017, it will be twice that at the beginning of the period (980 cases per 1000 population). Incidence was higher in men than in women. Prevalence rates for 2010–2014 showed upward trend, however, is not that sharp.With increasing age, the incidence of the diseases of the respiratory system has been growing (pneumonia, acute respiratory tract infections), and dementia. In the meantime, with the age, morbidity rates declined for diseases such as angina pectoris, senile and other cataracts, depression and kidney tubule and interstitial tissue diseases. Older-adults in Lithuania, characterized by intrinsic, different from that of other age groups incidence and prevalence. [From the publication]

2022-11-28 09:25:19
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