Depresija sergančių asmenų gyvenimo kokybė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Depresija sergančių asmenų gyvenimo kokybė
Alternative Title:
Quality of life in people with depression
In the Journal:
Visuomenės sveikata [Public health]. 2015, Priedas Nr. 1, p. 42-50
Sveikata / Health.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Depresija; Depresija sergantys asmenys; Gyvenimo kokybė; Depression; Individualas with depression; Individuals with depression; Quality of life.

ENIt is important to examine quality of life in depressed people to learn, how a severity of this illness damages health and impacts patient’s functioning in all areas of life and one’s own subjective life quality evaluation. Depression generally impairs life quality, social functioning and adaptation, ability to work, take care of the housework and resting possibilities. The illness directly relates to the decrease in life satisfaction and ability to experience positive life quality aspects. Materials and methods. A quantitative research study was done. There were 118 patients with depression in research sample. Instruments used for this study were questionnaires. Data was statistically processed. Ethical principles were followed while study was carried out. Results. It was found that the worse individuals with depression estimate the factors of separate quality life domains, the higher degree of depression severity (that is objectively assessed) they have and the worse they evaluate their emotional state. Evaluation of separate quality of life domains in patients with depression is decreasing, as depression severity is increasing and evaluation of emotional state is decreasing. It was also found that younger age group individuals (18–35 years) rate their physical quality of life higher than older age group individuals (36–69 years). Respondents with university education estimate their physical, environmental and general quality of life better than participants either with vocational, secondary, or incomplete secondary education. Moreover, depressed individuals who are married rate their psychological, environmental and general quality of life as higher than depressed individuals who are not married. Depressed patients, who are employed, evaluate their physical, psychological and environmental quality of life, and general quality of life higher than unemployed and retired individuals.Depression severity degree was not influenced by gender, age, education or marital status. Moderate level of depression is more common for all social status individuals – employed, unemployed and retired individuals – than mild or severe depression. Conclusion. Quality of life in individuals with depression decreases as depression severity degree increases. [From the publication]

2021-02-24 09:22:32
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