Globos namų auklėtinių mokymosi sunkumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Globos namų auklėtinių mokymosi sunkumai
Alternative Title:
Learning difficulties of children from foster home
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 5, p. 82-96, 280
Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Socialinė pagalba. Globa / Social assistance. Care; Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Auklėtojas; Globos įstaigos; Globos namai, ugdytiniai, mokymosi sunkumai; Globos įstaigos; Mokymosi sunkumai; Mokytojas; A Tutor of a Nursing Home; Educator; Foster Home; Foster home, children, difficulties in learning; Learning Difficulties; Teacher.

ENViktorija Grikpėdienė and Valdonė Indrašienė aim in their article to establish the reasons of learning difficulties experienced by the children from a foster home. The following main reasons of learning difficulties are distinguished: by the pupils from foster home: incomprehensible teacher explanation, abundance of material, inability to fulfil tasks, boring and tiring work, inaptitude to' learn, lack of concentration, quick tiredness, slowness etc.; by the houseparents of the foster home: learning motivation, inability to concentrate, inattention, impatience, absent-mindedness, lack of cognitive interests; secondary school teachers note the following positive characteristics of the children: sensitivity, obedience and friendliness while the negative ones are: disobedience, inattentiveness and spite. When enumerating the factors that influence the teaching and learning difficulties they indicate the same factors as the houseparents of the foster home: the lack of concentration and attention, low motivation, inability of abstract reasoning. The data of the research as well as pedagogical insights show that the instability of moods, low level of self-control and bent for conflicts of the children should be considered meaningful factors as well. [From the publication]

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