ŽIV ir TB ištyrimo bei gydymo paslaugų prieinamumą švirkščiamųjų narkotikų vartotojams lemiantys veiksniai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
ŽIV ir TB ištyrimo bei gydymo paslaugų prieinamumą švirkščiamųjų narkotikų vartotojams lemiantys veiksniai
Alternative Title:
Factors affected access to HIV and TB testing and treatment services for injecting drug users
In the Journal:
Visuomenės sveikata [Public health]. 2014, Nr. 4 (67), p. 36-43
Vilnius. Vilniaus kraštas (Vilnius region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Prekės ir paslaugos / Goods and services; Sveikata / Health.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Paslaugų prieinamumas; Švirkščiamųjų narkotikų vartotojai; ŽIV (AIDS); Access to services; HIV and TB V testing and treatment services; Injecting drug user.

ENThe aim. To identify factors affected access to HIV and TB testing and treatment services for injecting drug users (IDUs) in Vilnius. Methods. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with 10 IDUs recruited using targeted sampling model in 2014 under TUBIDU project. The study was conducted in association "Demetra" in Vilnius. Questionnaire consisted of questions about socio-demographic, HIV / TB knowledge’s, testing / treatment and suggestions what must be improved. The audio recorded data were analysed using qualitative content analysis method. Results. The qualitative study revealed that all IDUs during lifetime were tested for HIV and TB and the screening was initiated by service providers more than of the informants: testing for HIV have been offered on a voluntary basis, and they agreed because of rapid HIV testing; testing for TB have been mandatory for different medicosocial service providers. Results revealed that obstacles for assess to TB testing was lack of time and motivation. Analysis of assess to HIV and TB treatment found that HIV positive were satisfied with HIV treatment of treatment compensation by state, treatment effectiveness, the simple order of obtaining of medical drugs, and of supportive and motivating for treatment environment, i.e. friendly communication with doctor, non-governmental organizations. TB treatment experience was gained in prison and full treatment course was completed by the informants, who sentences where longer then TB treatment but after release they didn‘t continue health care in community. Adherence to treatment of both diseases was limited by drug / alcohol dependence, drug side effects, their interaction with other drugs, mental and physical deterioration, imprisonment, different fears, and long hospitalization period for TB patients, also improved clinical condition, etc.Conclusions. The main factors influenced IDUs access to HIV and TB testing and treatment services have been driven by different reasons, such as the lack of information, motivation and time, also effective psycho-social interventions and inter-institutional cooperation, personal and societal stigma, health sector approach, imprisonment, physical, mental and economic problems, related to drug addiction. They can be alleviated or eliminated by strengthening the cooperation between health care systems in the community, prison and nongovernmental organizations for new cases among IDUs finding, linkage to treatment and adherence to treatment. [From the publication]

2021-02-24 08:43:02
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