LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjamos vaikų, turinčių elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimų, ugdymo problemos. Siekiama išsiaiškinti mokytojų ir mokyklų vadovų, tėvų, vaikų požiūrį į šių vaikų mokymąsi bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje, specialiojoje klasėje. Aiškinamasi, kaip reikėtų tobulinti ugdymo proceso organizavimą, kad prisidėtume prie sėkmingesnės jų socializacijos.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Derangements in behaviour and emotions, integration, need, special; Education, special or specific needs, a person of special needs; Elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimai, integracija, poreikis, specialusis ugdymas, specialieji arba ypatingieji poreikiai, specialiųjų poreikių asmuo; Derangements in behaviour and emotions, integration, need, special; Education, special or specific needs, a person of special needs; Elgesio ir emocijų sutrikimai, integracija, poreikis, specialusis; Ugdymas, specialieji arba ypatingieji poreikiai, specialiųjų poreikių asmuo.
ENThe main problem of the work is slow integration of children with derangements in their behaviour and emotions. According to nonfiction, theoretical literature and the data of the research models for work with children, who has derangements in their behaviour and emotions were formulated. These models would help the children to socialize and make the education process more attractive. The special class for the children who has derangements in their behaviour and emotions was established in 2006/2007 school year in Vilnius at Šeškines primary school. This class is the first in Lithuania. This class and work there initiated to go deeper into the problem and discover the decision. On purpose to explore the possibilities how to improve the planning and management of the education process integrating the children with derangements in their behaviour and emotions, scientific and theoretical basics of the problem are analysed. The opinion of teachers, headmasters, children and parents about the children with derangements in their behaviour and emotions learning at school in special class is being found out in this work. [From the publication]