Mokyklos vadovų ir pavaldinių dažniausios bendravimo problemos ir jų sprendimo galimybės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokyklos vadovų ir pavaldinių dažniausios bendravimo problemos ir jų sprendimo galimybės
Alternative Title:
Most common communicative problems between managers and subordinates, and the scope for solution at school
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 5, p. 39-50
Darbuotojai / Workers; Mokykla / School; Spauda / Press.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bendravimo problemos; Mokykla; Mokyklos darbuotojai; Mokyklos vadovai; Mokyklos vadovai, darbuotojai, mokytojai, bendravimo problemos, komunikacija, problemų sprendimas; Psichologinis spaudimas; Communication problems; Psychological pressure; School; School leaders, employees, teacers, communication problems, communication, problem solving; School managers; School staff.

ENThe study consists of two parts. The substance of social conception between the manager of the school and his subordinates is analyzed in the first part of the study. The results of the study are presented in the second part. The questionnaire was prepared to complete the trial. The first part of the questionnaire interfaced the respondent answers to personal questions. The participants of this questionnaire submitted the information about their age, seniority, education and filled obligations. The dominant relationship between the collective, the conditioning origin of the incentive and active collective are analyzed in the second part of the questionnaire, the psychological climate of collective is considered - the cast is being assessed and the grading is being offered (questions 6?9). The third part of the questionnaire is dedicated to identification of psychological constraint at school and the consideration of the cause reason; also have things out about weight of the psychological pressure to conduct of employees, extenuating psychological coercion at school (questions 10? 16). The fourth part of the questionnaire analyzes the communicative manner of school director, the position to social and functional issues, the attention to employee problems and the interest on the subordinate’s white space.The fifth part of the questionnaire is concomitant with solution methods of interpersonal conflicts at school and conflict settlement. The collected information let us affirm, that in subject schools: 1) the specialist assessing the psychological situation in the collective is necessary; 2) the deployment of methods and recommendations for estimation of psychological constraint risk is necessary; 3) it is necessary to change the employees attitude towards the psychological constraint - an intolerance to manifestation of psychological constraint in the collective, the straightforward reaction to constraint occurrences, tame to vocalize own opinion - is sufficiently effective in battle with psychological constraint. The performed study let us make the conclusion, that the conflicts occurring among the collective are worked out just of quarter, the same quarter of employees are satisfied with the methods of conflict solutions. [From the publication]

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