Savirefleksija – savęs vertinimo ir įsivertinimo prielaida

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savirefleksija – savęs vertinimo ir įsivertinimo prielaida
Alternative Title:
Self reflection as the presumption assumption of self evalution of and assessment
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 4, p. 241-249
Ikimokyklinis ugdymas / Pre-school education; Pedagogai / Pedagogues.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaiga; Pedagogas; Profesinės kompetencijos; Savirefleksija; Savirefleksija, savęs vertinimas, edukologai; Pre-school institution; Professional competences; Self reflexion; Self-reflection, self evaluation, educators; Teacher.

ENThe problem of survey is determined by the fact, that in Lithuania it is discussing a lot about the education change, the competences of pedagogues, but it was not analyzed how the pedagogues of to-school and pre-school educational institutions understand the professional competences, how they evaluate them, what is self-reflection of their professional competences. In the theoretical point of view this work will encourage to go deeper to the expression of the professional competences of to-school and pre-school education pedagogues and the needs and possibilities of their perfection. The purpose of work - is through the opening of the comprehension of the professional competences of to-school and pre-school pedagogues of educational institutions to highlight their structure and alternation in the context of educational change. 135 to-school and pre-school education pedagogues took part in the survey. The results of the survey represented, that the analysis of the opinions of to- school and pre-school education pedagogues about the importance of professional competences showed, that their role in the educational practice is not of equal value.As the most important competences were noted these of methodical, organising and planning. The results of different empirical investigation showed, that there is a relation between the point of view of the pedagogues about the importance of competence and their self-reflection. In the context of educational change is emerging the demand of new professional capability. One of them - is the application of information technologies in the educational practice. The pedagogues of to-school and pre-school education are well mastered the activities of the permanent learning. [From the publication]

2018-12-17 12:25:23
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