Suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai neformalaus švietimo organizacijoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Suaugusiųjų užsienio kalbų mokymosi motyvacijos ypatumai neformalaus švietimo organizacijoje
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of adults’ motivation in learning foreign languages in informal education organizations
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 4, p. 158-167
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Mokymasis; Motyvacija; Neformalus švietimas; Suaugusieji, užsienio kalbos; Suaugęs besimokantysis; Užsienio kalbų mokymasis; Adult learner; Adults; Foreign language; Foreign language learning; Informal education; Learning; Motivation; Non-formal education.

ENThe article analyzes some peculiarities of adults’ motivation for learning foreign languages in an informal educational organization, emphasizing that these topics are very relevant in the modern changing world and they lack proper scientific discourse. The article consists of an introduction, research methodology and research results parts, and the main conclusions. The author presents the results gained with the help of a questionnaire, where the above mentioned peculiarities are highlighted according to such groups, as the dominant foreign languages learning motifs, difficulties of learning foreign languages, and factors encouraging foreign languages learning motivation. In the conclusions of the article it is stressed that adults learning foreign languages usually are lead by intrinsic motifs. The most often difficulties that adults encounter while learning are failure to coordinate work, professional matters and language learning. Language encouraging factors lie in family support, while suppressive ones are that there are no conditions established for language foaming at work. [From the publication]

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