Švietimo kaitos dimensijų raiška Utenos rajone : pedagogų požiūriai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Švietimo kaitos dimensijų raiška Utenos rajone: pedagogų požiūriai
Alternative Title:
Expression of educational change dimensions in Utena region: standpoints of pedagogues
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 4, p. 152-157
Utena; Lietuva (Lithuania); Mokykla / School; Pedagogai / Pedagogues.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Pedagogas; Švietimo kaita; Švietimo kaita, dimensijų raiška, pedagogų požiūriai, Utenos rajonas; Švietimo reforma; Education change; Educational change, Dimensional expression, Pedagogical attitudes, Utena district; Reform of education; Teacher.

ENEducational change - a multiplex phenomenon, what impacts on the achievements of children, is hoped only then it encompas a whole chain of events: from education politics through the local context and its interpretation to the activity in the classroom. Change - a natural and permanent process, not dissociated from the word reform. Reform - a planned change. The radical social alternations caused the educational change in Lithuania. In Lithuania, like in other postcommunist countries, the initiatives of reformation came from „the bottom“, while the processing reforms were initiated by „the top“. The educational reform of Lithuania has had a conceptual background - an educational conception of Lithuania. The purpose of the survey: to analyze the standpoints of Utena region pedagogues from different types of schools to the educational change. Methods of survey: theoretical, empiric, statistical ones. Investigation. 240 respondents from Utena region 11 educational institutions. The results of survey let state, that comparing the modem educational system with one of soviet, respondents accentuate these advantages of modem educational system: 83,23 % respondents think, that the modem educational system lets the teachers to individualize the content of education.Evaluating the standpoints of pedagogues of Utena region to the factors determinant the educational change it is possible to maintain, that the flexibility and openness of educational system is influenced by: rise of new type of schools (89,12 %), establishment of ten years background (83,47 %), reformation of schools’ network (73,11 %). The possibilities and access to the learning is influenced mostly by driving children to school and home (88,24%) pre-school education system (88,24 %).The quality of background is mostly influenced by introduction of new school subjects (93,7%), the possibility to individualize the educational content (91,63 %). It was highlighted the aspects of individual standpoint of pedagogues to the change: 81 % respondents are rating very well and well the politics of education in Utena region. These respondents, who rate their participation in educational change as an active or in average active, think, that educational reform today is going consistently and smoothly. The analysis of empiric data showed the week sides of educational reform: the integration of children with special needs. The renewed traditions of national school are low rated as well as examination and education financing reforms. Summarizing the results of survey it can be maintained, that the leaders and teachers of Utena region educational institutions, first in the country joint the establishment of educational system in independent Lithuania and are open to tee changes. [From the publication]

2019-12-17 16:09:48
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