Represje administracyjne wobec "Przeglądu Wileńskiego" Ludwika Abramowicza w latach trzydziestych XX wieku: przyczynek do polityki prasowej obozu pomajowego

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Represje administracyjne wobec "Przeglądu Wileńskiego" Ludwika Abramowicza w latach trzydziestych XX wieku: przyczynek do polityki prasowej obozu pomajowego
Alternative Title:
Administrative repressions against "Przegląd Wileński" by Ludwik Abramowicz in the 1930s: the contribution to the press policy of the post-May camp
In the Journal:
Zapiski historyczne. 2016, t. 81, z. 3, p. 129-150
20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Cenzūra; Etniniai santykiai; II Žečpospolita; Kraštietiškumas; L. Abramovičius, cenzūra, Vilnius, antroji Lenkijos Respublika; Lenkų spauda; Valstybės vadymas; Vilnius; Censorship; Ethnic Relations; II Polish Republic; Krajowosc; L. Abramovičius, censorschip, Vilnius, second Polisch Republic; Polish Press; State Administration.

ENThe article is devoted to the description of administrative repressions undertaken by the bodies of the state administration in Vilnius in the interwar period against "Przegląd Wileński" – the local paper of the political group of Fellow Countrymen [the Krajowcy] issued by Ludwik Abramowicz. In order to present correctly the problem mentioned in the title of the article, the history of the Krajowcy and "Przegląd Wileński" in the first years of their activity prior to WWI was outlined in the introduction. The author concentrated mainly on the interwar history of the paper – particularly in the 1930s, when the confiscations of the newspaper became more frequent (the first cases had taken place at the end of the 1920s). As was indicated in the article, the attention of the administrative authorities was concentrated mainly on articles devoted to the Polish-Lithuanian relations and ethnic problems in the north-east territories of the Second Polish Republic. Their intensification after 1935 was caused by the actions of the new voivode of Vilnius Colonel Ludwik Bociański, whose aim was to censor "Przegląd Wileński". As a result, the newspaper was subject to preventive censorship, which affected the political activity and distribution of the paper of the Krajowcy. As the author underlined in the conclusion, the administrative repressions did not contribute directly to the closure of "PrzeglądWileński" as similar practices were used in reference to the majority of the Vilnius periodicals which opposed the post-May authorities. [From the publication]

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