Skulptorius iš Lietuvos ir Latvijos paribio - Antanas Nesavas : 1896-1932

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Skulptorius iš Lietuvos ir Latvijos paribio - Antanas Nesavas: 1896-1932
Alternative Title:
Antanas Nesavas, a sculptor from the border of Lithuania and Latvia: 1896-1932
In the Journal:
Žiemgala. 2016, Nr. 1, p. 42-46
Antanas Nesavas; Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Latvija (Latvia); Pašvitinys; Šiauliai. Šiaulių kraštas (Šiauliai region); Žeimelis; Lietuva (Lithuania); Kultūros paveldas / Cultural heritage; Jaunimas / Youth; Bajorai. Didikai. Valdovai / Gentry. Nobles. Kings.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antanas Nesavas; Bardiškiai; Birutės skulptūra; Kunigaikštienės; Kunigaikštienės Birutės paminklas; Latvija (Latvia); Lauksodis; Paminklai; Skulptorius; Skulptūra; Skupltorius; Vytauto Didžiojo paminklas; Vytauto Didžiojo skulptūra Bardiškiuose; Antanas Nesavas; Duchess Birutė in Lauksodis; Lithuania, Latvia; Monument of Duchess Birutė in Lauksodis; Monument of Vytautas the Great in Bardiškiai; Monuments; Monuments to Vytautas the Great in Bardiškiai; Sculptor; Sculpture.

ENAntanas Nesavas was born in the village of Daugaloniai (Pašvitinys Parish, Šiauliai region) on September 1, 1896 in the family of landless peasants Zigmantas Nesavas and Ona Repšytė. From November 3, 1921 till November 30, 1923, Antanas Nesavas served in the Lithuanian army and became a junior non-commissioned officer. In 1929, he successfully finished Šiauliai teachers’ seminary and became a primary school teacher. It should be noted that the inter-war teachers in Lithuania not only taught the children, but being persons with a broad outlook also developed a social and moral core of the nation. On January 1, 1930, Minister of Education appointed him a teacher of Žeimelis Primary School No. 2, and on September 1, 1931 he started working in the Primary School No. 1 of the same town. Evangelical Lutheran priest Erikas Leijeris invited him to Žeimelis as they were good friends. In Žeimelis Nesavas taught till the summer of 1932, and then went to Kaunas, the temporary capital of Lithuania, to put his dreams into practice and to achieve his goals. Significant Nesavas’ activities in Northern Lithuania are monuments to Vytautas the Great in Bardiškiai and to Duchess Birutė in Lauksodis. [From the publication]

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