Lietuvių spauda Sibire : žurnalas "Taiga"

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių spauda Sibire: žurnalas "Taiga"
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian press in Siberia: magazine "Taiga"
In the Journal:
Žiemgala. 2015, Nr. 1, p. 17-22
Juozas Balčiūnas; Vytenis Rimkus; Lietuvių literatūra / Lithuanian literature; Tremtis. Tremtiniai / Deportees. Exile.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Irkutskas; Juozas Balčiūnas; Lietuvių tremtiniai Sibire; Pogrindinė lietuvių literatūra tremtyje; Pogrindinė spauda; Vytenis Rimkus; 20 amžius; 20th century; Irkutsk; Juozas Balčiūnas; Lithuanian underground literature in exile; Lithuanians deported in Siberia; Underground Press; Vytenis Rimkus.

ENManuscript magazine "Taiga", published in Siberia, Alzamas, undoubtedly meant a breakthrough of Lithuanian creative forces in a foreign land and reflected the patriotic attitudes of young people: the desire to protect and nurture the Lithuanian language, to create written Lithuanian texts and in such a way to activate national self-awareness of their countrymen. The magazine was mostly designed for teenagers and young adults as well as children, who were addressed by a number of introductory and informational texts in order to develop a sense of their mother tongue and help to avoid losing their national identity living in a foreign linguistic and cultural environment. Numerous impressive illustrations and drawings show that they were intended for the peers. The young people writing for Taiga were talented creators of poetry and prose, authors of ingenious lyrical scenes and subjects whose talent would certainly have been revealed in the future. However, the repeated repressions took away that possibility: to be free to develop their literary skills. The underground manuscript magazine Taiga published in Alzamas is significant not so much in artistic as historical sense: it was an important evidence of Lithuanian youth resistance and spiritual unity in harsh conditions of Siberian exile. [From the publication]

2018-12-17 14:05:16
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