Socialinių darbuotojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas : prielaidos ir galimybės

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Socialinių darbuotojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas: prielaidos ir galimybės
Alternative Title:
Presumptions and possibilities of qualification development of social workers
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 4, p. 58-66
Utena; Lietuva (Lithuania); Profesinis rengimas / Vocational training; Socialiniai darbuotojai / Social workers; Socialinis darbas / Social work.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Atestacija; Kvalifikacija; Kvalifikacijos tobulinimas; Kvalifikaciniai reikalavimai; Socialinis darbas; Socialinis darbuotojas; Cettification; Professional development; Qualification; Qualification Improvement; Qualification requirements; Social Employee; Social Work; Social worker.

ENSocial work is one of the newest profession activities in Lithuania. Changes that are going on in society motivate the social workers to search for the partners, work in team with other institutions so that the societies would solve the problems that arise. It is very important to coordinate theoretical knowledge with practise, because it is impossible without theoretical knowledge to stimulate development changes of social work, especially in the area of social services. The clients request not only for the quality full services, but also for the polite behaviour, which is not possible to reach without a high professional level. Aim of the work is to analyze presumptions and possibilities of qualification development of social workers who work in territory of Utena district. Tasks of the research: 1. To discuss about the presumptions of qualification development of social workers; 2. To reveal legal, organizational and individual possibilities of qualification development of social workers; 3. To analyze presumptions and possibilities of social development of social workers, who work in territory of Utena district? The theoretical part of the article discussed presumptions of qualification development of social workers (demands of informative knowledge society, possible forms of qualification development and their forms and motives).There are revealed possibilities of qualification development of social workers (law base, infrastructure, organizational aspects). The empirical part of the work deals with analysis of social workers, who work in territory of Utena district, presumptions and possibilities of qualification development. The research has shown that social work is a very wide activity area, which resounds demands of a changing society, person and groups of persons. Presumptions of qualification development of social workers involve internal motivation of qualification development of social workers and actions of organization, infrastructure and law. Analysis of questionnaire results has shown that social workers in Utena request for development of their qualification, but such jams like incoherence, fragmentation disturb development of qualification. It must be created a qualification development system, but there is a lack of recourses for that. Social workers of Utena district have possibilities to develop their qualification in a district of Utena by using of recourses of Utena College and methodical social work centres-. [From the publication]

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