Kipro Bielinio politinė ir visuomeninė veikla tarpukariu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kipro Bielinio politinė ir visuomeninė veikla tarpukariu
Alternative Title:
Kipras Bielinis' political and social activities during the interwar period
In the Journal:
Žiemgala. 2014, Nr. 2, p. 31-38
1918-1940. Lietuva tarpukario metais.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: K. Bielinis, politika, visuomeninė veikla, tarpukaris; Lietuvos politikai; Lietuvos socialdemokratai; Tarpukario Lietuvos politika; Interwar Lithuanian Politics; K. Bielinis, Politics, Public Activities, Interwar period; Lithianian Politics; Lithuanian Socialdemocracy.

ENBasing himself on various historical sources (archival and manuscript documents, Seimas (Parliament) shorthand reports, the press and reminiscences) the author describes in detail one of the most famous twentiethcentury democratic left politicians, active public figure Kipras Bielinis’ political and social activities from the beginning of his work in the Constituent Seimas to the beginning of WWII. The first three sections of the article give a brief glimpse into Bielinis’ activities in the Constituent Seimas, 2nd and 3rd Seimas. The article shows that in both Constituent and 2nd Seimas K. Bielinis by his activity, number of long, medium and short speeches was not only one of the most active members of Social Democratic Party’s faction (in the case of 2nd Seimas he was an absolute leader in the number of speeches), but also one of the most active members of Seimas in general, one of the main speakers. In his speeches on various bills and other matters, he actively defended ideological and political attitudes and principles of the opposition Social Democratic Party. An active and playing an important role in Seimas K. Bielinis also worked for the short 3rd Seimas, in which he was elected chairman of one of the ruling Social Democratic Party faction. While in this position, he again was the main representative of his faction when considering a range of issues.During the Seimas period Bielinis was not only engaged into active political and parliamentary activities, but also into active political, party and organizational activities outside the Seimas. At that time he was a member of the Central Commitee of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party, and in the 11th and 12th congresses of the Social Democratic Party he was elected Chairman of the Central Committee. Kipras Bielinis became one of the two main leaders of the Social Democratic Party (along with Steponas Kairys). During the years of the authoritarian regime when political activities became severely constrained and restricted Bielinis not only worked for the Board of Health Insurance Fund and the Chamber of Agriculture, but also initiated the founding of some cooperatives, belonged to several boards of cooperative societies, focused on the research of the social democratic movement history in Lithuania, wrote memoirs, played an active role in social, cultural and intellectual activities. [From the publication]

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