Neformaliojo vaikų ugdymo kokybės tobulinimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Neformaliojo vaikų ugdymo kokybės tobulinimas
Alternative Title:
Development of the quality of informal children
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 3, p. 184-191
Vaikai / Children.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kokybė; Neformalus vaikų ugdymas; Neformalus vaikų ugdymas, ugdymo kokybė; Informal children education; Informal children education, Quality of education; Quality.

ENMethods of evaluation of informal educational activity and mechanisms of acknowledgement of competences acquired through the medium of informal education do not exist in Lithuania for the time being, therefore it is complicated to evaluate the present situation and quality of informal children education. This is a topical problem of informal children education. The aim of research is the evaluation of quality of education in an informal educational institution and contemplation of the ways of development. The goals of research are the consideration of conception of qualitative development of informal education, the investigation of quality of education in an informal educational institution and the contemplation of the ways of development, the preparation of conclusions about the development of informal education on the ground of the material of the research. Methods of research: analysis of nonfiction and educational documents, questioning, statistical analysis of data. The research was accomplished in an informal educational institution. The following respondents participated in the research: 35 teachers, 214 pupils, 182 parents and 44 graduates.The analysis of nonfiction and educational documents has shown that informal education is a constituent and equal part of educational system which supplies programs of various requirements, development of qualification, acquirement of additional competence, therefore the quality of education is defined in the same way as in the institutions of general education as the quality of processes and results dependent on social, cultural, practical, educational aims of institutions. The research in the informal educational institution has shown that the informal educational institution aims not only for purposeful and meaningful consuming of learner's time, their skills and results but also for fulfilment of their self-expression. It was estimated that teacher's attitude towards children education is rather formal in this institution, therefore insufficiently oriented towards the attitude of Conception of Informal Education. [From the publication]

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