Mokytojų ir mokinių tėvų bendradarbiavimas pradinėje mokykloje : situacija ir tobulinimo perspektyvos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokytojų ir mokinių tėvų bendradarbiavimas pradinėje mokykloje: situacija ir tobulinimo perspektyvos
Alternative Title:
Co-operation of teachers and pupils’ parens in the primary school: the present situation and posibilities of improvement
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 3, p. 177-183
Pedagogika / Pedagogy; Pradinis ugdymas / Primary education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Bendradarbiavimas tarp mokytojų ir tėvų, pradinė mokykla; Mokytojų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimas; Pradinė mokykla; Co-operation between the teachers and parents; Co-operation between the teachers and parents, Primary school; Primary school.

ENTeachers, parents, schoolchildren and the leadership of school are the equally responsible for the personality’s self-education and perfection success, all links have to be concerned, that the results of self-education will be better caused of collaboration. For a long time collaboration was understood as only the simplex information about the child's achievements during the class or general parents' meetings. In nowadays community the subject of collaboration is still very topical. The forms of collaboration, which would attract parents to school, have to be founded. The aim of this work is to analyze and explore theoretical and practical teachers' and parents’ collaboration motivation in primary school. 8 leaders of primary schools, 19 primary school teachers and 311 parents participated in this research. The research showed that the primary school leaders, teachers and parents accept teachers’ and parents' collaboration in nowadays primary schools. However the biggest part of responsibility belongs to the teacher, he is the initiator of collaboration, he has to find the ways, which could encourage parents and involve them in school's activity. The research established that the most school leaders, teachers and parents believe that most parents are very busy, uninterested, the requirements are unmatched between the teachers and parents, so those reasons interfere .with teachers" and parents' collaboration. The most teachers wish to get the better help from the school leaders. [From the publication]

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