Aukštųjų mokyklų dėstytojų ir padalinių vadovų informacinis ir kompiuterinis raštingumas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aukštųjų mokyklų dėstytojų ir padalinių vadovų informacinis ir kompiuterinis raštingumas
Alternative Title:
Information and computer literacy of university teachers and heads of university departments
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 3, p. 141-148
Technologijos / Technologies.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Informacinis raštingumas; Informacinis raštingumas, ITK kompetencija; Informacinių komunikacinių technologijų taikymo kompetencija; Communication technologies (ICT); Competence of using information and communication technologies; Information literacy; Information literacy, the competence of using information and.

ENThe paper presents the results of a survey on information competence of university teachers and heads of university divisions. The aim of the survey was to discuss the main competences of ICT literacy: ability to use modern information and communication technologies, possession of information skills (information literacy) and managerial competence. The results make it possible to assume that the majority of respondents try to improve their qualifications through learning all their lives. One way to improve one's skills is to gain ICT competence. The analysis of the results of the survey shows that many respondents would like to attend a course on computer literacy and free of charge. The results also show that teachers and division heads try to enhance their information literacy competence by making use of various forms of learning. In trying to achieve this they use both the traditional ways of learning and getting information as well as modem and up-to-date ways. The majority of respondents (teachers and division heads) have managerial skills which allow them to gel and manage information and apply it in their professional activities. [From the publication]

2019-12-17 15:34:45
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