Mokyklų vidaus auditas - geras mokytojų mokytojas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokyklų vidaus auditas - geras mokytojų mokytojas
Alternative Title:
Inner school audit is the teacher for teachers
In the Journal:
Edukacinės studijos. 2008, 3, p. 60-70
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kokybė; Mokyklos vidaus auditas; Mokyklos vidaus auditas, mokytojų mokymasis, besimokanti organizacija; Švietimas; Education; Quality; The inner school audit; The inner school audit, Teacher learning, Learning organization.

ENA School should be an organization, which regulates a perfection process. One of these regulation elements is the internal school audit. Permanent information collection about the most important aspects of school life is guarantee of the further success. The purpose of internal audit is not so much estimation of school activity as teachers' training. The teachers study how to do the learning process more successful, how lo increase quality of teaching and quality of students’ knowledge. Today it is especially relevant because we are the part of Europe and our students' knowledge must correspond to European standards. The purpose of researches was to analyze what and how the teachers learn during audit. The teachers of Vilnius schools were the respondents. The researches showed that during audit many teachers learned to work in a team, analyze the activities of the whole school, estimate quality of their work, accept the responsibility for the results of their activity, and develop the school strategic plan. This research can become the base for the further scientific work, which intention is to study the school as the institution that is learning itself. [From the publication]

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