О текстологии рукописных китабов литовских татар: "Диалог пророка Мухаммеда с Шайтаном:

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Rusų kalba / Russian
О текстологии рукописных китабов литовских татар: "Диалог пророка Мухаммеда с Шайтаном
Alternative Title:
On the textual criticism of some manuscript miscellanies of the Lithuanian Tatars: the "Discourse of the Prophet Muhammad with Satan"
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kitabas; Lietuvos totoriai; Rankraštis; Tekstologija; Tekstualioji kritika; Totoriai Lietuvoje; Totorių rankraščiai Lietuvoje; Kitab; Lithuanian tatars; Manuscript; Miscellanies; Tartar manuscripts in Lithuania; Tartars in Lithuania; Textology; Textual criticism.

ENThe article presents the results of an attempt at applying the methods of textual criticism to eleven manuscript copies of the "Discourse of the Prophet Muhammad with Satan", extracted from various miscellanies of the Lithuanian Tatars (the sources date back to the 17-20th c.). One of the manuscripts contains a unique textual version which is a result of a consequent stylistic elaboration of the Discourse. The rest of the sources present its traditional text and can be divided into two textual groups (with five manuscripts in each). The first group is textually and linguistically homogenous and represents the archaic textual version which is characterized by Ruthenian linguistic features. The second group includes several innovative textual versions which contain many Polish linguistic forms. The innovative group can be subdivided into three textual subgroups which reflect the textual interrelations of the manuscript copies within the group. As a result, a general stemma codicorum is proposed by the authors. [From the publication]

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2025-03-25 09:23:49
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