Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Naujos sistemos, 2005.
359 p
Bibliografija išnašose.
Įžanginis Jungtinių Tautų koordinatorės ir Jungtinių Tautų vystymo programos įgaliotosios atstovės Lietuvoje Cihan Sultanoglu žodis — Įžanginis Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo Žmogaus teisių komiteto pirmininkės Zitos Žvikienės žodis — Algimantas Čepas. Įvadas — I. Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje: teisinis sistemos vertinimas: Petras Ragauskas. Teisė dalyvauti valdant šalį ir kitaip tvarkant viešuosius reikalus; Raimundas Jurka. Teisė į teisingą teismą; Karolis Jovaišas. Teisė į privataus gyvenimo neliečiamumą; Aurelijus Gutauskas. Teisė į informaciją; Rasa Paužaitė. Teisė į nuosavybę; Rita Matulionytė. Autorių teisės ir gretutinės teisės; Ingrida Mačernytė-Panomariovienė. Teisė į darbą; Lina Beliūnienė. Teisė į sveikatos apsaugą; Eglė Kavoliūnaitė. Teisė į sveiką aplinką; Jolita Malinauskaitė. Vartotojų teisės; Laura Kietytė. Vaikų teisės; Sonata Mališauskaitė-Simanaitienė. Moterų teisės; Jonas Misiūnas. Neįgaliųjų teisės; Jonas Misiūnas. Pagyvenusių žmonių teisės; Svetlana Gečėnienė. Nusikaltimų aukų teisės; Gintautas Sakalauskas. Asmenų, kuriems apribota laisvė, teisės; Mindaugas Lankauskas. Tautinių mažumų teisės; Mindaugas Lankauskas. Seksualinių mažumų teisės; Arūnas Želvys. Pabėgėlių teisės — II. Sociologiniai žmogaus teisių monitoringo aspektami. Aleksandras Dobryninas, Vladas Gaidys: Įvadas; Žmogaus teisių padėties Lietuvoje vertinimas; Žmogaus teisių politikos Lietuvoje vertinimas: lyginamasis aspektas; Žmogaus teisių padėtis Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą; Žmogaus teisių apsaugos sistemos vertinimas; Institucijų darbo ginant žmogaus teises Lietuvoje, vertinimas; Dėmesys žmogaus teisėms Lietuvoje; Žmogaus teisių pažeidimai: respondentų patirtis; Pažeistų teisių atstatymas; Gyventojų informavimas apie žmogaus teises; Apibendrinimas — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTKnygoje „Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje“ į žmogaus teisių apsaugos sistemą Lietuvoje žvelgiama kaip į visumą, išeitine pozicija pasirenkant apibendrintas Lietuvos aktualijas, nacionalinės teisinės sistemos principus. Leidinyje nagrinėjami klausimai, kurių analizė išryškina žmogaus teisių sistemos kontūrus, svarbiausius šios sistemos privalumus ir trūkumus. Studiją sudaro dvi struktūrinės dalys - teisinė ir sociologinė atskirų žmogaus teisių sričių situacijos analizė. [Anotacija knygoje]Knygoje „Žmogaus teisės Lietuvoje" į žmogaus teisių apsaugos sistemą Lietuvoje žvelgiama kaip į visumą, išeitine pozicija pasirenkant apibendrintas Lietuvos aktualijas, nacionalinės teisinės sistemos principus. Leidinyje nagrin ėjami klausimai, kurių analizė išryškina žmogaus teisių sistemos kontūrus, svarbiausius šios sistemos privalumus ir trūkumus. Studiją sudaro dvi struktūrinės dalys - teisinė ir sociologinė atskirų žmogaus teisių sričių situacijos analizė. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Žmogaus teisės; Teisinė ir sociologinė analizė; Patirtis; Problematika; Human rights; Lithuania; Legal and sociological analysis; Experience; Problems.

ENThe Study of Human Rights in Lithuania gives a complete picture of the human rights protection system in Lithuania primarily based on the summary of the relevant issues concerning Lithuania as well as the principles of the national legal system. It is understandable that independently of the extent of the studies intended for the problems related with the human rights separate human rights or certain aspects of their implementation inevitably fall out of the scope of analysis. Being the core of the entire state and public life the human rights penetrate into all areas of social relations, splits into abundance of sub-topics so becoming an inexhaustible and wide-ranging subject. Therefore, primarily, the current study is dealing with those issues the analysis of which outlines the human rights system, and which by their relevance highlight the most important strengths and weaknesses of the system. The judgment on what issues should be considered as the most relevant and asking for special treatment is primarily based on the analysis of the national law sources in line with the international instruments for the protection of human rights. In deciding which issues relating to the protection of human rights call for special treatment significant importance was attached to the sociological survey of human rights monitoring, and its findings are presented in this book. So, the study consists of two structural parts - a legal analysis of ensuring separate human rights and the description of sociological monitoring results (after all, in establishing the effectiveness of ensuring the human rights the feelings and thoughts of the people are important, as that assists in practically identification of the major problems, on the other hand, the sociological instruments often assist in establishing the reasons for inadequate protection of the human rights).In line with that it should be noted that separate chapters in this book are devoted not to all issues relating to the protection of human rights discussed in this study. Certain problems related with the protection of human rights by their nature and substance could not have been analyzed separately from other related issues, therefore the analysis of those problems repeats in a number of other chapters of this study. For example, the issues pertaining to implementation of the right to freedom are elaborated in the chapters "Right to the fair court", "Rights of imprisoned persons", etc. The most illustrative example to support this statement is the right to equality that is analyzed almost in all chapters of this study. The analysis of each topic contained in this study provides the most recent achievements in ensuring the protection of the relevant human rights and the analysis of problem issues relating to the protection of separate human rights. The summary of the survey results provided in the study suggests that over the past 3-4 years the situation in a number of areas has more or less improved. Nevertheless, at least two cases can be mentioned, which do not suggest any clear tendencies of improvement, moreover, they evidence even more new infringements of the human rights.The cases which do not witness any clear tendencies of the situation improvement primarily concern those human rights which require large financial resources for their protection. The social rights (the right to the health care, etc.) rank first, but they are not the only ones (for example, the right of imprisoned persons to privacy can be also mentioned here, as it is enough problematic to ensure the same due to lacking funds for construction and renovation of imprisonment institutions). It is also important to understand that the scope of human rights is not a never-changing constant. Over the said period the State (national authority) has undertaken new commitments towards the people and their implementation is not always guaranteed in an appropriate manner. However, the efforts of the State (public authorities) to improve the situation are obvious. It is only a pity that often these efforts are less significant that the real possibilities of more radical improvement of the situation. [From the publication]The Study of Human Rights in Lithuania gives a complete picture of the human rights protection system in Lithuania primarily based on the summary of the relevant issues concerning Lithuania as well as the principles of the national legal system. It is understan dable that independently of the extent of the studies intended for the problems related with the human rights separate human rights or certain aspects of their implementation inevi tably fall out of the scope of analysis. Being the core of the entire state and public life the human rights penetrate into all areas of social relations, splits into abundance of sub-topics so becoming an inexhaustible and wide-ranging subject. Therefore, primarily, the current study is dealing with those issues the analysis of which outlines the human rights system, and which by their relevance highlight the most important strengths and weaknesses of the system. The judgment on what issues should be considered as the most relevant and asking for special treatment is primarily based on the analysis of the national law sources in line with the international instruments for the protection of human rights. In deciding which issues relating to the protection of human rights call for special treatment significant importance was attached to the sociological survey of human rights monitoring, and its findings are presented in this book.So, the study consists of two structural parts - a legal analysis of ensuring separate human rights and the description of sociological monitoring results (after all, in establis hing the effectiveness of ensuring the human rights the feelings and thoughts of the people are important, as that assists in practically identification of the major problems, on the other hand, the sociological instruments often assist in establishing the reasons for inadequate protection of the human rights). In line with that it should be noted that separate chapters in this book are devoted not to all issues relating to the protection of human rights discussed in this study. Certain problems related with the protection of human rights by their nature and substance could not have been analyzed separately from other related issues, therefore the analysis of those problems repeats in a number of other chapters of this study. For example, the issues pertai ning to implementation of the right to freedom are elaborated in the chapters "Right to the fair court", "Rights of imprisoned persons", etc. The most illustrative example to support this statement is the right to equality that is analyzed almost in all chapters of this study. The analysis of each topic contained in this study provides the most recent achieve ments in ensuring the protection of the relevant human rights and the analysis of problem issues relating to the protection of separate human rights. The summary of the survey results provided in the study suggests that over the past 3-4 years the situation in a number of areas has more or less improved. Nevertheless, at least two cases can be mentioned, which do not suggest any clear tendencies of improvement, moreover, they evidence even more new infringements of the human rights.The cases which do not witness any clear tendencies of the situation improvement primarily concern those human rights which require large financial resources for their protection. The social rights (the right to the health care, etc.) rank first, but they are not the only ones (for example, the right of imprisoned persons to privacy can be also mentioned here, as it is enough problematic to ensure the same due to lacking funds for construction and renovation of imprisonment institutions). It is also important to understand that the scope of human rights is not a never-chan ging constant. Over the said period the State (national authority) has undertaken new commitments towards the people and their implementation is not always guaranteed in an appropriate manner. However, the efforts of the State (public authorities) to improve the situation are obvious. It is only a pity that often these efforts are less significant that the real possibilities of more radical improvement of the situation. [From the publication]

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2022-07-03 10:06:14
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