Antano Baranausko tarmių tekstai - kvaziautentiškų tekstų chrestomatija?

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Antano Baranausko tarmių tekstai - kvaziautentiškų tekstų chrestomatija?
Alternative Title:
Dialectal texts collected by Antanas Baranauskas: a textbook of quasiauthentic texts?
In the Book:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariama, kodėl Baranausko surinktus tekstus galima laikyti autentiškais tik su išlygomis. Remiantis sociolingvistų įžvalgomis, analizuojamos priežastys, dėl kurių, šių dienų akimis žiūrint, ne visi tekstai užrašyti visiškai patikimai - kalbininkų darbuose pasirodo pastabų, kad Baranausko rinkinyje esama netikslumų ar net klaidų. Analizuojant sakytinio teksto perteikimą, stengiamasi pagrįsti mintį, kad tokio teksto užrašymas - sudėtingas ir daugiaplanis procesas, kuris neišvengiamai modifikuoja pirminį tekstą. Prieinama prie išvados, kad tikrasis tekstas yra tik garso įrašas, o bet kokia jo transformacija - užrašymas (ir transkribavimas) ir perskaitymas - jau turi selektyvumo, todėl laikytina teksto interpretacija. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dialektografija; Fonologinis segmcntavimas; Fonologinis segmentavimas; Grafinis segmentavimas; Patarmė; Rašybos sistema; Dialect; Dialectography; Dialects; Graphic segmentation; Phonological segmentation; Spelling system.

ENThe article deals with the issue why the texts collected by Baranauskas can be considered authentic only with reservation. Drawing on sociolinguists' insights, the causes are analysed why nowadays not all the recorded texts can be looked upon as completely reliable: in some linguists' research work remarks can be found that there are inaccuracies or even mistakes in Baranauskas' collection of dialectal texts. Analysing how the spoken text was presented attempts are made to substantiate the thinking that it is a rather complicated and manifold process that unavoidably modifies the original text. The conclusion is drawn that the real text is only a sound record, while its transformation into any form - written (and transcribing) and reading - is already selective; therefore, it should be looked upon as an interpretation of the text. The situation of recording the texts presented many challenges to Baranauskas as a collector of texts. Firstly, there was no established orthography system; therefore, in an attempt to find the exact written form, the most suitable letter had to be chosen every time. On the other hand, the written language form that was in the making served as a stimulus to make rules for identical written forms. Thirdly, it was difficult to indicate exactly phonetic peculiarities of different subdialects, which did not exist in the recorder's subdialect. [From the publication]

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2020-01-06 13:10:06
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