Baltų kūryba romėniškajame geležies amžiuje kaip inspiracija šiandieninei kultūrai

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Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Baltų kūryba romėniškajame geležies amžiuje kaip inspiracija šiandieninei kultūrai
Alternative Title:
Creative works of the Balts of the Roman Iron Age as the source of inspiration to contemporary culture
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Archeologija; Baltų gentys; Idėjų sklaida; Juvelyriniai dirbiniai; Kultūrinis bendrumas; Lietuvos istorija; Modernizmas; Papuošalai; Senasis geležies amžius; Archaeology; Baltic tribes; Cultural commonality; Decorations; Jewellery; Lithuanian history; Modernism; Roman Age; The dissemination of the ideas.

ENThesis 1: Culture should not back away from the outside world - it should take over the best experiences and ideas of the past and avoid direct imitation Example 1 - openwork ornaments that were widely spread in Lithuania in the 3rd century. Already in the 1st century A.D. silver and bronze ornaments produced in Roman empire - particularly fittings - were decorated in openwork; however, in the 2nd - 3rd century Roman goldsmiths started to use the openwork tracery method opus interrasile. Some forms of the art of the Balts kind of adapted Roman motifs. For example, openwork fittings found in Dusetai district, the ornament found in Zarasai region (Fig. 1:1) is a local variation of belt fittings of the Roman period (Fig. 1.2). The second example - an enamelled penannual brooch and an openwork pendant found at the mound of Velikuškiai, Zarasai region (Fig. 2). The latter technologies were adapted following the patterns of enamel ornaments that were popular in the regions of Eastern Europe and Eastern Baltic regions. Brooches with bulging items, similar to those found at the mound of Velikuškiai, are considered as local improvements of the design of interregional penannual brooches. Thesis 2: The way of thinking of the Balts, despite their uniqueness, had much in common with other ethnic groups. For example, the Balts preferred crescent shaped pendants; however, so called lunullae (Latin for “the moon”), was a distinctive feature of the Roman period. The Roman crescent shaped pendants were used not only to decorate the steed and harnesses of wealthy patricians but also the tassel belts of Legionnaires.(members of the ancient Roman Army) (Fig. 3.1). It is asserted that, due to some similarities towards the Indo-European way of thinking, the crescent shaped symbol was important to the Baltic tribes as well. The artefacts found in Dusetai district show that the trend of crescent shaped pendants prevailing in the 3rd century A.D. was also popular in Zarasai region (Fig. 3.2). Thesis 3: The ancient forms of ornaments can exist together with modern and imported ones. Thus, traditional elements remain as living patterns of culture, whereas modern ones do not signify that ethnic groups and countries are losing their distinctive character. One example of this type could be neck rings and brooches worn all at once by the Baltic tribes in the 1st - 2nd century A.D. Neck rings with trumpet shaped terminals as seen in the drawings of Skrebotiškis (Pasvalys region), were created in the lands of the Balts (Fig. 4). Ornamentation trends, regarding pins and brooches, came from the lowlands of Vistula, inhabited by Germanic tribes. One example of this could be a profiled brooch, type Almgren 72 (Fig. 5). In Eastern Lithuania and Šėla the brooches of this type were rarely found; however, it does not mean that in the 1st - 2nd century European decorating trends did not hit other countries. One brooch of this type was found near Dūkštas, Ignalina region, located only a short distance from Zarasai. To sum up, it should be noted that cultural heritage of the Balts of the 1st century A.D. teaches us that we should be open to innovations and should not lose our originality and creativity. [From the publication]

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