Maironis - praamžės tradicijos dainius

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Maironis - praamžės tradicijos dainius
Alternative Title:
Maironis - the bard of the perennial tradition
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2016.
291 p
Įžanga — Šatrijos raganos — Medvėgalis — Dyvitis, ar Dievytis — Padavimų varpai — Perkūno lietuviai — Milžinų kapai — Didžiavyriai mūsų krūtinėse — Milžinų prisikėlimas — Lietuvis – ąžuolas — Iškirstos girios — Dievo giraitė — Praamžis Dievas — Dievo teismas — Dievo karys — Dausų Tėvynė — Deganti širdis — Dvasios sparnai — Širdies marių vilnys — Kapų miegas, mirties patalas — Užmirusieji ir atsiminę — Gegutės metai — Saulės sula — Saulėlydis ir saulėtekis — Karalienės Saulės pirtis — Žvaigždžių žvainos akys — Deimantas — Žaibo žvilgsnis — Žaibai milžinai — Sapnų užsupti — Pasaulio sapnas — Plati žemė — Laiko upė — Upės neužtvenksi — Mergaičių žiedai — Išnyksiu kaip dūmas — Širdies auka — Veršio malda — Nemuno šneka — Dainų upės — Dieviškoji daina — Budėjimas su daina — Dainų pynės — Sidabrinės ir auksinės dainos — Dainų audos — Svajonių posmai — Aušros aukso audimas — Dausų regėtojas — Paminėtų nelietuviškų asmenvardžių rašyba — Literatūra — Maironis – the Bard of the Perennial Tradition / Dainius Razauskas-Daukintas.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Maironis; Tautosaka; Romantizmas; Religija; Mitologija; Maironis; Folklore; Romanticism; Religion; Mythology.

ENThe subject of this work is the lyrics of Maironis (1862-1932), the Lithuanian romantic poet and the patriarch of contemporary Lithuanian poetry. As never before, here it is looked at from the point of view of tradition, particularly of the Lithuanian one reflected in folklore, old literature, historical sources etc. Not only Lithuanian, though: the other two branches of the Baltic tradition, Latvian and Prussian, are also taken into consideration when it is relevant, as are also Slavic, Germanic, Classical (Greek and Latin), Old Iranian, Old Indian (Vedic) and other traditions. That is, the lyrics of Maironis is looked at as if through the prism of traditional poetics, folklore, and mythology seeking to distinguish in it the motives which would resonate with the traditional, ancient, widely prevalent, archetypal ideas thus constituting the ‘perennial tradition’ of humanity. The poetry of Maironis appeared to be very appropriate for such an approach. In this way, the forty-seven main motives were distinguished and arranged as separate chapters in the following way. 1. The Witches of Šatrija. Mount Šatrija is one of the most famous hills in Lithuania particularly known in Lithuanian folklore for the assemblies of witches on the Feast of St John. 2. Medvėgalis. That is another distinguished hill in Lithuania whose name in folklore is derived from the compound mudvi galim (‘the two of us are able’). 3. Dyvitis or Dievytis. Yet another sacred hill and a nearby lake in Žemaitija (Samogitia) [...] 4. The Legendary Bells. In Lithuanian folklore, there are well-known legends of the drowned bells. 5. The Lithuanians of Perkūnas. Maironis wrote of ancient Lithuanian warriors as fighting like Perkūnas, the thunder god himself. [...] 6. The Tombs of Giants. In Lithuania, a barrow, or tumulus, is often called milžinkapis, ‘a tomb of the giant'. [...].7. Heroes in Our Hearts. The giant then is interpreted metaphorically as an ancient hero [...] 8. The Resurrection of the Giants. Maironis then predicts the resurrection of the giants sleeping in the barrows and mounds [...]. 9. The Lithuanian as an Oak. Meditating on the bravery of the ancient Lithuanian warrior, Maironis compares him to a falling oak struck by an enemy. [...] 10. Forests Slashed Down. In several verses, Maironis compares Lithuanian troops and Lithuania itself with the sacred woods and forests felled with axe. [...] 11. The Wood of God. In one of his verses, Maironis says that forests in Lithuania previously belonged to God. On the one hand, this can indicate the times when forests still were nobody’s property. [...] 12. The Eternal God. We may ask, which God it is - the Christian or the pagan one? A similar attitude can be detected in Maironis. [...] 13. God’s Trial. The posthumous trial of the human soul is also a very ancient idea, by no means an invention of Christianity. [...] 14. The Warrior of God. In many ancient traditions, two kinds of death were distinguished, i.e. the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ one, and the surest way to die the ‘good’ death was a battle. [...] 15. The Heavenly Homeland. The ancient Lithuanian name for ‘heaven’ is dausos, of the same root as dvasia ‘spirit’. [...] 16. The Burning Heart. Another perennial archetypal notion is the presentation of all kinds of passion and fervor by images of heat and fire. [...] 17. The Wings of Spirit. A spiritual engine and a universal perennial metaphor of ascent consist of wings. [...]. 18. The Waves of the Sea of Heart [...]. 19. The Sleep of Death, the Bed of Grave. [...] 20. The Deceased and Those Who Remember. The common feature of both death and sleep is oblivion. [...] 21. The Years of Cuckoo. In folk beliefs, a cuckoo predicts the number of years left to live for the human being who hears it for the first time [...].22. The Sun’s Sap. In some of Maironis’ verses, the sun in the evening is flowing, plūsta. [...] 23. The Sunrise and the Sunset. [...] 24. The Bath of Sun the Queen. [...] 25. Stars the Heavenly Eyes. [...] 26. The Diamond. [...] 27. The Gaze of Lightning. [...] 28. The Lightning Giants. [...] 29. Swayed by Dreams. [...] 30. The World as Dream. [...] 31. The Vast Earth. [...] 32. The River of Time. [...] 33. You Will not Dam up the River. [...] 34. The Maids’ Blossoms. [...] 35.1 Will Perish like Smoke. [...] 36. The Sacrifice of the Heart. [...] 37. The Calf s Prayer. [...] 38. The Nemunas’ Talk. In Maironis poetry, the Nemunas, the biggest river of Lithuania, talks. [...] 39. The Rivers of Songs. [...] 40. The Divine Song. In the verse dedicated to the first song festival in Lithuania, Maironis stresses psychotherapic characteristics of folksongs and even their religious quality [...] 41. Keeping Vigil with Song. According to Maironis, the almost personified song used to keep vigil with people through history, when they were falling asleep oblivious to distress. [...] 42. The Plaits of Songs. [...] 43. Silver and Golden Songs. Being spun, songs are characterized by Maironis as silver and golden. [...] 44. The Textile of Songs. Moreover, Maironis puts his songs into a chest, and that is rather traditional: in folksongs, we find the image of a ‘chest of songs’ (dainų skrynelė). [...] 45. The Stanzas of Fancy. Maironis himself confesses that he weaves his fancies into stanzas. [...] 46. Weaving the Gold of Dawn. Maironis not only uses the traditional metaphor of weaving poetry, but also uses it for his own poetry in a very traditional and archaic way [...] 47. The Heavenly Seer. In his verses, Maironis confesses, on a number of occasions, of the spiritual visions visiting him from above. That again can be regarded as quite a typical confession of a traditional poet. [...]. [From the publication]

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