Kristijono Donelaičio atminties paveldas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kristijono Donelaičio atminties paveldas
Alternative Title:
Memorial heritage of Kristijonas Donelaitis
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Akademinė leidyba, 2016.
471 p
Bibliografija išnašose ir rodyklės.
Memorial heritage of Kristijonas Donelaitis. Anotation. Key words — Dažniausiai vartotų bibliografinių nuorodų ir sąvokų sutrumpinimai — Bibliografinių nuorodų sutrumpinimų abėcėlinis sąrašas — Atminties institucijų pavadinimų, paveldo dokumentų saugojimo signatūrų, knygos elementų ir kitų dažniausiai vartotų sąvokų sutrumpinimai — Pratarmė — Kristijono Donelaičio atminties laukas — Knygotyrininkų interesas donelaitikos istoriografijai — Asmeninė biblioteka: rekonstrukcija — Pradžios įžvalgos — Bibliotekos kūrėjo savastis: potyriai ir poveikiai — Bibliotekos kūrimo poreikiai ir paskirtis — Bibliotekos komplektavimo būdai ir galimybės — Bibliotekos sudėtis ir turinys — Apibendrinimas — Kūrinių leidybos Prūsijos laikais paveldas — Tyrimo prielaidos — Pirmoji Metų laida (1818) — Pirmoji Lietuviškosios poezijos laida (1865) — Antroji Lietuviškosios poezijos laida (1869) — Lietuviškoji raštų laida: paskatų ir sąlygų susidarymas — Pirmoji lietuviškoji Pavasario linksmybių laida (1891) — Pirmoji lietuviškoji Kristijono Donelaiczio rasztų laida — Apibendrinimas — Atminties įprasminimo tradicija — Pripažinimo etapai — Visuotinis pripažinimas: proveržis į enciklopedijas — Atminimo įprasminimas materialiaisiais paminklais — Komiteto palikimas ir jo istorijos pėdsakai — Apibendrinimas — Summary — Zusammenfassung — Rodyklės — Asmenvardžiai — Vietovardžiai — Leidinių antraštės — Knygos — Kalendoriai — Serialiniai leidiniai.
Summary / Abstract:

ENThis work is a book science study of the commemoration of Donelaitis as an author and his printed heritage during the Prussian period (ended in 1918). The material was collected and the investigation carried out in 1985-2015. The book consists of three parts. The first one presents a hypothetical reconstruction of Donelaitis’ personal library based on comparative method. The second part is devoted to the analysis of publishing of the books and creative work by Donelaitis, while the third focuses on the tradition of commemoration of the author in written and material memorials. These topics are influenced by different motives. The idea to reconstruct the library was born out of the need to renew the exhibition in Tolminkiemis museum. The second topic is the result of a long-term task of collecting data about the spread of Donelaitis’ creative works in old publications with regard to directions and geography. The third was important for the commemoration of Donelaitis and his heritage in 1885, 1896 and 1914- These efforts of commemoration are perceived as the major events in the Lithuanian national movement in Lithuania Minor. The exploration is based on the historiographic tradition of Lithuanian and German research on Donelaitis.The author has identified and distinguished its book science aspects. In this work they serve as the main milestones of the investigation. The data for the task was collected in the memory institutions of Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, Sweden and the USA. The main source documents were Prussian periodicals and governmental documents, reference publications of Evangelical Lutheran church and social institutions, the first investigations of Lithuanian literary works. The data was enhanced by analysing the poetry books by Donelaitis de visu. The ownership and usage inscriptions that were found in them are treated as evidence of dissemination directions and geography. The author has found and used the early reviews, anotations and notes about Donelaitis’ books in press. The book is planned and designed as a fully illustrated publication. [From the publication]

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