Naujadarai Viktorijos Daujotytės tekstuose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naujadarai Viktorijos Daujotytės tekstuose
Alternative Title:
Neologisms in Viktorija Daujotytė’s texts
In the Journal:
Acta humanitarica universitatis Saulensis [Acta humanit. univ. Saulensis (Online)]. 2016, t. 23, p. 149-170. Tekstas: literatūriniai, kalbiniai, kultūriniai ir socialiniai aspektai
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darinys; Dūrinys; Epitetas; Kartojimas; Naujadaras; Potencinis darinys; Reikšmė; Vedinys; Compound; Derivative; Epithet; Meaning; Neologism; Potential derivative; Repetition.

ENThe Lithuanian language, as any other living language, is changing. Not only borrowings but also neologisms emerge. (Neologisms are derivatives not entered into "Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language", "Dictionary of the Contemporary Lithuanian Language", "Dictionary of the Standard Lithuanian Language", "Supplement to the Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language", "Database of Lithuanian Neologisms"). Neologisms found in six books by Viktorija Daujotytė (Daujotė) were analysed and their semantic specificity, formation as well as usage were discussed in the paper. Analysis, interpretation and statistical methods were used. 263 neologisms (108 nouns, 97 adjectives, 37 verbs, 21 adverb) found in Daujotytė’s texts were analyzed and the following conclusions drawn: 1) The majority of neologisms are derived according to prolific types of derivation of the Lithuanian language and are considered as potential derivatives. It is not difficult to understand their meaning using context clues. 2) A large part of noun neologisms are abstract lexical units – that is essentially determined by the nature of the text. 3) The largest part of adjective neologisms is composed of derivatives with suffix "-iškas", "-a". The absolute majority of these derivatives is based on nouns; adjectives derived from nouns that name persons usually have figurative meaning of similarity, they denote "like those", "inherent to this what is described by an underlying word". All adverb derivatives are formed with the most prolific suffix "-ai". 4) Adjectives and adverbs used in direct or figurative meaning function as epithets, sometimes combinations with neologisms are synonymous to comparative sayings. 5) 40 neologisms are based on a potential underlying word (i. e. also on a derivative not entered into dictionaries); adverb derivatives compose the majority of such derivatives.6) Neologisms are often formed due to analogy, they are used to emphasize, specify, draw the addressee’s attention or for linguistic economy. 7) In Daujotytė’s texts, the figure of repetition is often met: neologisms and systemic words of the same root or derivatives that have the same formative of derivation are used alongside. [From the publication]

1822-7309; 2424-3388
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2025-02-25 11:32:10
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