Šeduvos vandenvardžiai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šeduvos vandenvardžiai
Alternative Title:
Hydronyms in Šeduva area
In the Book:
Šeduva / vyriausiasis redaktorius sudarytojas Jonas Linkevičius. Vilnius: Versmė, 2016. P. 340-362. (Lietuvos valsčiai; kn. 30)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Daryba; Dūrinys; Hidronimas; Kilmė; Motyvacija; Priesagos vedinys; Semantika; Vandenvardžiai; Compound; Formation; Hydronym; Hydronyms; Motivation; Origin; Semantics; Suffix derivative; Word formation.

ENIn 1935 from the rural area of Šeduva, there were 187 hydronyms registered, including names of 13 lakes and their parts and even 174 rivers, rivulets, sources, ditches and their parts. The names collected from local people had been put down by teachers of primary schools. According to their origin, the hydronyms of the Indo-European, Lithuanian layer as well as those of non-Lithuanian (Slavonic) or uncertain origin have been distinguished. The Indo-European origin should be attributed to the name of a rivulet Kiršinąs, Kiršinąs. To explain the origin of the most hydronyms analysed it is enough to have the data of Lithuanian language. There were 2 hydronyms formed only of Slavonic words. The origin analysis showed that the majority of the hydronyms were authentic, i.e., formed in the soil of the Lithuanian language. Moreover, new hypotheses absent in the former investigations of the hydronyms- such as Bizdelis, Byzdelis, Karčiametis, Paguže, Paspitris, Saldupis, Švatris and Švatris-have been raised about their origin. From word formation viewpoint, the hydronyms are primary, i.e., coinciding with common words, and secondary-those made using additional word building means. According to the way of word building, the majority goes to the compound hydronyms (63, or 33.7% of the total); then follow suffix derivatives (52, or 27.8%), composite (29, or 15.4%) primary (26, or 13.9%), inflexional ones (10, or 5.3%), as well as prefix derivatives (5, or 2.7%). Word-formation trends in Šeduva area differ slightly from that in the rest of Lithuania: more than a half of the Lithuanian hydronyms are suffix derivatives, while Šeduva water body names are most often compounds. The frequency of hydronyms built by other ways resembles that in the rest of Lithuania. [From the publication]

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