4 klasės mokinių lietuvių kalbos gebėjimų ugdymas netradicinėje aplinkoje : 1 mokyklos situacijos analizė

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
4 klasės mokinių lietuvių kalbos gebėjimų ugdymas netradicinėje aplinkoje: 1 mokyklos situacijos analizė
Alternative Title:
Training of Lithuanian language skills of 4th formers in a non-traditional environment: one school case
In the Journal:
Vārds un tā pētišanas aspekti. 2014, 18 (1), p. 104-114
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvių kalbos gebėjimai; Lietuvių kalbos mokymas; Lietuvių kalbos pamoka 4-oje klasėje; Neformali edukacinė aplinka; Netradicinė aplinka; Pradinis ugdymas; Lithuanian language lesson in the 4th class; Lithuanian language skills; Lithuanian language teaching, informal educational environment; Primary education; Unconventional environment.

ENNowadays, the ability to communicate is of great importance. The most frequent form of communication is verbal language, i. e. a conversation or a dialogue. It occurs not only at school, but also at home, in the street and in some other places. Therefore, it is very important for everyone to be able to do that. These abilities must be developed not only in the classroom. Therefore it is necessary to change the common and traditional environment of a classroom. In this case the contribution could come from the school surroundings, from everything around it, as well as the newest technologies. By means of an unusual method - video recording, and being outside the school, a usual and traditional lesson became an interesting one that involved students and encouraged them to care for knowledge. Two fourth grades of the same school participated in the lesson. The paper aims to ascertain the level of the ability of students’ dialogue language as well as their viewpoint on a non-traditional learning environment. Besides, it analyses how influential non-traditional learning methods and environments are. The research consisted of three stages: a questionnaire, a pedagogical experiment and its feedback, and the analysis of the results. The results show that students do not conceive the importance of a non-traditional environment. They find various outings an entertainment. The survey of the students shows that they found these lessons interesting; it is a secondary matter. The advantage of the method, indicated by the students, was the possibility to act and review their own works, as well as their emotional comfort.Thus, both the analysed literature and the researches show that the usual classroom environment needs to be changed and non-traditional teaching/Ieaming methods should be applied. Students must be able to not only express their own thoughts, but also to hear people who are close to them speak, otherwise, communication as a phenomenon will become weaker and start losing its hold. [From the publication]

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