Tekstologija : teorijos ir praktikos gairės

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tekstologija: teorijos ir praktikos gairės
Alternative Title:
Textual criticism: guidelines of theory and practice
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Aidai, 2001.
591 p
Bibliografija ir rodyklės.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Tekstologija; Tekstologijos istorija; Tekstologinis aparatas; Šriftai; Kalbos redagavimas; Tekstologinė analizė; Autorystė; Kanonas; Tekstas; Šaltiniai; Textual scholarship; Textual history; Apparatus; Fonts; Language editing; Text analysis; Authorship; Canon; Text; Sources.

ENThis academic book presents a review of theoretical, textological problems and an analysis of the concrete practical questions encountered in scholarly editing. In the first part “Textology and Related Areas” there is a discussion of textology and archeography, the relationship between the publication of works of literature and of historical documents. The second part “The Goals and Forms of Publications” discusses the functions and types of facsimile editions and critical editions as well as the structure and scope of editions with comments about the technical aspects of preparing a high-quality facsimile. In the third part “The Concept and History of a Text” there is an effort to define from the textological point of view the concepts of document, work, and text. Suggestions are made on the typology of texts and documents, the textological terms in Lithuanian, and how to understand the terms of “readings”, “variants”, and “versions”. In discussing the problematic aspects of the history of a text, most of the attention is directed at the cultural and social factors involved in changing the text. The stemmatic method and the limitations of its application, the history of the digital text are also presented. The fourth part “The ‘Canon’ of the Text” deals with the utopian question - what would be the ideal model for presenting a work of literature from the textological point of view. The selection of texts and editing strategics arc discussed from documentary, aesthetic, authorial, sociological, and bibliographical points of view, which are determined on the basis of editorial theory and practical decisions. Particular attention is devoted to the problems of authorial intention, eclectic text, copy-text, parallel edition, standard edition as well as the ethical aspects of editing.The fifth part "Attribution” presents methods for determining the author of works, discusses the question of the pen name as an integral part of the text, analyzes several examples of literature forgeries in Lithuania at the end of the 20th century. In the sixth part “Textological Analysis and the Editing of Text” the practical aspects of correctly reading unclear manuscripts, the types of corruptions and methods of emendation, the difficulties of transliteration and transcription, the problems of converting old texts to standard Lithuanian are treated. Special attention is given to the graphic form of publications, the relationship between visuality and textuality. The seventh part “The Textological Apparatus and Comments” contains recommendations on how to prepare and present readings, conjectural emendation, textual, literary commentaries and indexes. The eight part “The History of Textology” gives a concentrated review of the evolution of scholarly editing in Western Europe and Lithuania. The book also has a selective bibliography and separate indexes of the different editions of books cited, names, works, and concepts. This is the first work in Lithuanian in which textological methods are presented and the work of national editing is analyzed from the view point of Western philological and historical ideas. [From the publication]

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