Vandens prasmes baladėse apmąstant

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vandens prasmes baladėse apmąstant
Alternative Title:
On the meaning of water in ballads
In the Journal:
Tautosakos darbai [Folklore Studies]. 2015, 50, p. 135-152
Summary / Abstract:

LTSvarstant baladžių gyvavimo lietuviškoje terpėje ypatumus, atkreipiamas dėmesys į gana iškalbingą atvejį – baladę „Nenustiko broliukui ženybos“. Kaip artimas tekstas imama daina „Augo sode klevelis“, tautosakininkų kartais siejama su minėta balade apie brolius, skandinančius žmonas. Ši baladė siūlo ne vieną perskaitymo būdą. Nagrinėjamoje šeimos baladėje ne šiaip pasakojama apie žiaurų veiksmą, o kuriamas savitas „šeimos mitas“. Pasitelkiami baltarusių, ukrainiečių baladės variantai. Praskleidžiamos konkrečiõs baladės teksto reikšmės. Vyraujančio vandens vaizdinio prasmės paieškos skatina persikelti į mitinio diskurso lygmenį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: At(si)naujinimas; Baladė; Tautosaka; Skandinimo motyvas; Vandens vaizdinys; Vandens įvaizdis; Vyro ir moters santykiai; Vyro ir žmonos santykiai; Ballad; Drowning motive; Husband-wife relationship; Lithuanian folklore; Resurrection; Water image.

ENThe article departs from the point of ballads as (mostly) pieces of folklore of non-Lithuanian origin taking root and existing in the Lithuanian environment. The ballad "Nenustiko broliukui ženybos" [The Unhappily Married Brother] (and the song type "Augo sode klevelis" [A Maple Tree Was Growing in the Yard]), as well as a number of other ballads including the motive of drowning, gravitate towards the topic and thematic of water. The predominance of the water image suggests its symbolic meaning. Thus, the family ballad in question not simply relates of a cruel action – it creates a peculiar “family myth”. The notion of water as a primeval substance points to its cleansing and renewing function. Instead of drowning, the semantic shift is projected towards revival, associated with washing away of the wife’s inadequacy, and finally resulting in caring for her. The Lithuanian ballad is compared to the Belorussian and Ukrainian ballads containing distinct images of the star and of the middle of the sea. Special attention is paid to a couple of texts in which an opposition between the old wife (maiden) and the new wife (maiden) may be spotted. According to Claude Lévi-Strauss, replacement of some oppositions with others is a characteristic of the mythical thinking. The action of the ballad (floating of the wife out to the middle of the sea, and subsequent plea of the husband pulling back and asking her to return) is remotely paralleled in the article with the ritual death and resurrection. However, such parallel does not suggest any specific ritual having allegedly existed in the family customs and perishing afterwards. Although (ritual) death and (ritual) revival are best reflected in rituals (therefore ritual analysis is especially useful here), they can manifest elsewhere too. An assumption is made of this being an archetype, repeatedly emerging on various levels, from the highest to the lowest ones.Examination of the marital relationship in the light of the archetype of birth – death – resurrection considerably broadens the scope of the ballad’s meanings. The archetype suggests its different interpretation. [From the publication]

1392-2831; 2783-6827
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2025-02-25 11:31:59
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