Kobiety Iszkołci, czyli dzieje zarządzania majętnością

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Kobiety Iszkołci, czyli dzieje zarządzania majętnością
Alternative Title:
Women of Iszkołć: that is the history of administering property
In the Book:
Administracja i życie codzienne w dobrach Radziwiłłów XVI-XVIII wieku. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo DiG, 2009. P. 7-110. (Fasciculi Historici Novi ; t. 9)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dvarų administravimas; Iškoldė; Iškoldės dvaro savininkai; Kotryna Tenčynska-Radvilienė; Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Moterys; Moterų istorija; Moterų veikla; Radvilos (Radziwill; Radvila family); Radvilos (Radziwill; Radvila family); 16 amžius; 16 amžius; 17 amžius; 18 amžius; 17 amžius; 18 amžius; 16th century; 17th century; 18th century; Female activity; Iszkołc; Katarzyna Tenczynska Radziwillowa; Manor administration; Owners of Iszkold manor; The16th-18th century; Women; Women history.

ENThis work constitutes connecting two types of sources and the information. Reconstructing stories of women through the history of property of Iszkołć seemed for me extremely interesting and allowing to look at the „feminine issue” from a different perspective and through different sources. I hoped that it would enable the verification of stereotyped assumptions and give scholars the opportunity to present some new research propositions. The collected sources render it possible to reconstruct the history of five women, daughters or wives of the Radziwiłł family. The remaining correspondence is not only a medium of communication, but also a great material showing human relationships, as well as direct feelings, emotions, views and interests of its authors. Since there is very little examination practically enabling research on individual interests and worldviews, women’s correspondence is particularly valuable. It contains data concerning family life, children, and economic matters. It reveals sensitivity and emotions. Part I discusses the history of Iszkołć, and the heroines of my work, as well as constituting the background factor to all, with further deliberations. After describing the history of the manor and church, I concluded with theoretical information about the principles of wooden buildings of this period and I demonstrated the practical exploitation of them basing on the remaining inventories of Iszkołć.Part II is presents views about women introduced by Old Polish thinkers and moralists, the outline of the legal situation of women, their duties and laws as well as areas in which they acted. The issue of female activity is deliberated upon in the next five chapters. The sources used in this work let the history of female historiography validate some thesis, often anachronistic and difficult for me to agree with. Part III part shows the life of five women, owners of Iszkołć, living in one century, however in different times. I presented genealogical connections of women focusing on relationships with the family, understood rather narrowly here, as limited to the relations with the husband and children (atomic family). I concluded with information about everyday life, its troubles and joys, ways of dealing with the administration of goods and with creditors. I tried, within the availability of sources, to show the pleasures of the everyday day, interests, travels, the wardrobe. Part III is also combined with part II, concerning Iszkolć, through the persons of the heroines. Additionally they are present in every microbiography information about property reconstructed basing personal sources: the correspondence and documents. [From the publication]

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