Kūrybinis tandemas: Hermanno Buddensiego ir Eduardo Astramsko bendradarbiavimas verčiant Kristijono Donelaičio "Metus" į vokiečių kalbų

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kūrybinis tandemas: Hermanno Buddensiego ir Eduardo Astramsko bendradarbiavimas verčiant Kristijono Donelaičio "Metus" į vokiečių kalbų
Alternative Title:
Creative tandem: cooperation between Hermann Buddensieg and Eduardas Astramskas during the process of translation of Kristijonas Donelaitis’s "The Seasons" into German
In the Book:
Kristijono Donelaičio reikšmės / sudarė Mikas Vaicekauskas. Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2016. P. 390-410
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aptariamas vokiečių vertėjo Hermanno Buddensiego ir lietuvių germanisto Eduardo Astramsko bendradarbiavimas 1964-1965 m. verčiant Kristijono Donelaičio Metus į vokiečių kalbą. Analizuojant sudėtingą vertimo procesą, remiamasi gausiais Buddensiego ir Astramsko laiškais, kurie šiuo metu saugomi akademiniuose ir privačiuose archyvuose Heidelberge, Berlyne ir Vilniuje. Siekiant įvertinti abiejų vertėjų indėlį, pažodinis interlinijinis vertimas, kurį parengė Astramskas, gretinamas su vokiškais rankraštiniais Buddensiego hegzametrais, vėlesniais Astramsko komentarais ir galutine vertimo versija. Remiantis gautais rezultatais, straipsnyje keliama bendros vertimo autorystės idėja. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: "Metai"; Bendradarbiavimas; Donelaitis; Eduardas Astramskas; Hermannas Buddensiegas; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Pažodinis vertimas; Poema Metai; Vertimas; Vertimo strategija; Vertėjo autorystė; Vokiečių kalba; "Year"; Authorship of translation; Cooperation; Donelaitis; Eduard Astramsk; German language; Hermann Buddhist; Interlinear translation; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Poem The Seasons; Strategy of translation; Translation.

ENIn 1964, the year of Kristijonas Doneläitis’s 250th anniversary of birth, the German poet and translator Hermann Buddensieg started to work on Donelaitis’s The Seasons (Metai). The translation appeared as a separate book in West Germany in 1966 and was published in East Germany in 1970. Buddensieg’s translation is inseparable from his creative experience, research into German classical texts and essayistic writings. Referring to Buddensieg’s theoretical-methodological considerations, the author of the paper discusses the usage of terminology in his works (Übersetzung, Übertragung and Nachdichtung), his attitude to the translation of poetry, the importance of fluency in the native and foreign languages, the application of original rhyming in the system of another language, and the “spiritual” links between the poet and the translator. Buddensieg did not know Lithuanian and thus relied on the literal interlinear translation from Lithuanian into German by Eduardas Astramskas, a Lithuanian specialist in the German language. The complexity of the translation process becomes obvious from the abundance of Buddensieg’s and Astramskas’s letters, which are held in academic and private archives in Heidelberg, Berlin and Vilnius.The comparison of the interlinear translation, Buddensieg’s corrections, Astramskas’s commentaries and the final version of the translation point to the latter’s significant input into the translation process. Buddensieg put Astramskas’s translation into verse, using the German hexameter and not departing much from the interlinear translation. Thus, it is possible to talk about a very productive teamwork of both translators and even consider the idea of joint authorship. The previously unpublished archival material contains a great deal of valuable information on the processes of translation and its individual role in promoting Lithuanian literature in other countries. In this way, translation is viewed as a significant part of cultural politics, especially from the viewpoint of the strained political context, which was important for the translation of The Seasons, and its reception in Lithuania and both parts of divided Germany. [From the publication]

2019-06-20 21:42:32
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