Kristijono Donelaičio "Metų" vertimai į rusų ir baltarusių kalbas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kristijono Donelaičio "Metų" vertimai į rusų ir baltarusių kalbas
Alternative Title:
Translations of "The Seasons" by Kristijonas Donelaitis into the Russian and Belarusian languages
In the Book:
Kristijono Donelaičio reikšmės / sudarė Mikas Vaicekauskas. Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 2016. P. 377-389
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojami Kristijono Donelaičio Metų vertimai į rusų ir baltarusių kalbas, aptariami vertimų variantai, ryškinamas vertėjų indėlis. Mėtų vertėjas į rusų kalbą Davidas Brodskis su Donelaičio poema nesiskyrė gerus du dešimtmečius, nuolat vertimą tobulino ir palydėjo į pasaulį šešis Metų leidimus. 2005 m. išėjus devintajam Brodskio verstų Metų leidimui, Donelaičio poemą ėmėsi versti puikiai mokantis lietuvių kalbą klaipėdietis Sergejus Isajevas, jo vertimas išleistas 2011 m. Baltarusių kalba Donelaičio poema suskambėjo 1961 m. Jos vertėjas Aleksejus Zaryckis po to dar du dešimtmečius gilinosi į Metų meninės raiškos ypatumus, taisė vertimą ir 1983 m. poema antrą kartą išėjo baltarusių kalba. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aleksey Zarytski; Baltaru Belarussian language; Baltarusių kalba; Davis Brodsky; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Kristijono Donelaičio Metai; Metai; Originalo struktūros ritmas; Poetinis vertimas; Rusų kalba; Sergey Isaev; Vertimas; Aleksey Zarytski; Belarussian language; Davis Brodsky; Kristijonas Donelaitis; Poetic translation; Russian language; Sergey Isaev; The Seasons; The Seasons by Kristijonas Donelaitis; The rhytmic structure of the original; Translation.

ENAfter a brief survey of the translations of The Seasons (Metai) by Kristijonas Donelaitis into other languages, the author of the paper focuses on the analysis of its translations into Russian and Belarusian. David Brodsky (1899-1966) made a poetic translation of an excerpt from The Seasons, referring to a literal translation, already in the years of World War II. Subsequently he took interest in the work by the Lithuanian poet and engaged himself in translating it, and in 1946 the poem was published in a separate edition. In 1947 Brodsky began to study the Lithuanian language and continued working on his translation of the poem and improving it. The translator did not separate with Donelaitis’s poem for more than two decades and, all in all, six editions of his translation of The Seasons were published. When the last, ninth, edition of The Seasons in Brodsky’s translation came out in 2005, another translator from Klaipėda, Sergey Isaev (Clandestinus) who was fluent in Lithuanian, had already started translating the poem. In 2011 the publishing house of the Kaliningrad PEN Centre published this translation in a separate bilingual edition.By comparing excerpts of the translations by Brodsky and Isaev, the author seeks to bring out the specific features of each translation and the translators’ ability to convey the style of Donelaitis’s poem, the uniqueness of his artistic expression and the rhythmic structure of the original. Donelaitis’s poem was first translated into Belarusian by Aleksey Zarytski (1911-1987) in 1961, in preparation for the poet’s 250th anniversary of birth. Although the translation was acclaimed by reviewers, the translator still saw some flaws and continued to improve his work. For two more decades Zarytski continued to analyse the features of the artistic expression of Donelaitis’s poem seeking to achieve the greatest precision of word and image. In 1983 the Belarusian translation of the poem was published for the second time. The author of the paper analyses what corrections the translator made, how he improved the rhythmic structure and changed the vocabulary, and how the second Belarusian edition of The Seasons surpasses the first. [From the publication]

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2019-06-20 21:41:02
Views: 77