Ypatingųjų vaikų integruotas muzikinis ugdymas : specialioji meno pedagogika

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ypatingųjų vaikų integruotas muzikinis ugdymas: specialioji meno pedagogika
Alternative Title:
Integrated musical education in the process of socialization of handicapped children
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Kronta, 2003.
199 p
Įvadas — Teoriniai integruoto muzikinio ugdymo pagrindai: Integruoto muzikinio neįgaliųjų ugdymo psichologiniai ir filosofiniai aspektai; Integruoto muzikinio neįgaliųjų ugdymo koncepcijos; Neįgaliojo ugdytinio psichofizinės savybės; Neįgaliųjų asmenybės savybių ir muzikinių gebėjimų, įgūdžių nustatymas; Integruoto muzikinio neįgaliųjų ugdymo organizavimo ypatumai — Neįgaliųjų ugdytinių asmenybės charakteristika ir būsenų kaita: Remigijus; Karolina; Viktorija; Nuostatų dinamika vykstant integruoto muzikinio ugdymo procesui — Gabiųjų vaikų integruoto muzikinio ugdymo procesas: Gabumų samprata ir problematika; Pedagoginė ir psichologinė gabaus vaiko charakteristika; Gabiųjų ugdymo turinio organizavimo ypatumai; Kūrybos procesas ir menininko socializacija — Išvados — Bibliografija — Summary.
Summary / Abstract:

LTRemdamasi pasaulio mokslininkų ir savo tyrimais bei praktika, autorė šioje monografijoje aptaria ypatingų - specialiųjų ugdymo(-si) poreikių vaikų muzikinį ugdymą, kuris padeda integruoti neįgaliuosius į visuomenę. Integruotas muzikinis ugdymas analizuojamas įvairiais aspektais: greta neįgaliųjų naujai sušvinta ir gabiųjų vaikų ugdymo problemos, aprašomi konkretūs ugdymo atvejai atskleidžia labai skirtingų žmonių tarpusavio bendravimo per meną galimybes, skirtingų meno formų sąveiką ir prioritetinių žmogiškųjų vertybių pažinimą gyvai bendraujant. Knygoje pateikta metodika, padedanti individualiau pažinti ugdytinį, sukurti ugdymui palankią saugią psichologinę atmosferą. [Anotacija knygoje]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Muzikos pedagogika; Socializacija; Integracija; Specialiųjų poreikių vaikai; Musical education; Socialization; Integration; Children of special needs.

ENThe subject of our research is Integrated Musical Education of handicapped and gifted school children (children of special needs). This work analyse the IME as a complex musical education of the handicapped in an integrated class, and during after-school activities, based on Personal Meaning Method (PMM), and colors. The object of research is musical education of 8-12 year-old children with a various handicaps in an integrated class. Integrated musical education is a very important factor of social integration for the handicapped and for the gifted children. However, this issue has not been revealed in Lithuanian scientific literature. [...] The Introduction stresses the actuality and novelty of the theme, its theoretical and practical importance. It also introduces the analysis of the used terms, methodological position, subject, sphere, aim of research, tasks, methods of research, practical significance of research, and its approval. The first part Theoretic bases ofmusical education of handicapped presents philosophical and psychological bases of education of the handi-/ capped that is essential in forming contents and process of education; and forms theoretical bases of musical education of the handicapped where the principles of world most famous systems are adapted; makes analysis of psychic and physical qualities of the handicapped, describes types of handicaps, and specifics of education. [...] The research embraces handicapped students. Scientific literature uses the terms: children of „special needs”, „special”, and „handicapped”. The term „children of special needs” embraces both the handicapped and especially gifted and talented children, so the author of the Theses for better clarity uses just the term „handicapped” and „gifted”.The second part Peculiarities of musical education ofhandicapped presents diagnostic methods of abilities and skills of the handicapped, analyzes separate cases of development in the process of IME, states the aims and contents of education. The analysis of the individual qualities and skills of the handicapped was carried out according to eight indices: age, nature of handicap, adaptation in class, communicability, activity, musical abilities, musical interests, creativity. The research rest upon educating of two girls and one boy with different disability (VCP, hearing derangement, speech derangement, limited intellect). Diagnostic analysis showed that the state of the student significantly depends on the type of disability (prominent on surface or not; class reaction, personal qualities of the student). [...] Having estimated the specifics of abilities and qualities, the author describe modeling of education contents and consider emotional aims of education to be of primary importance. Developing musical abilities should be considered as a mean to achieve spiritual values such as natural people’s equality, love for other person, tolerance, responsibility. Musical activity is based on mutual relationship and emotions awoken by this relationship. Consequently, socialization of the handicapped is connected with a level of humanization of the society, i.e. changes of the handicapped bring in changes of the healthy members of the society. [...] The third part of the book is Gifted children in the integrated musical activity. It is devoted to such part of society that has been little investigated in Lithuania - the gifted chilfren. Review of foreign authors’ research in this area ä history of research, explanation of terms, problems of gifted persons’ identification, shows that the phenomenon of aptitudes is not fully revealed. [...].Integrated musical education (IME), the theoretical and methodological bases of which consist of the world most famous philosophical systems of education (emphasizing the ideas of humanism, seeking for the meaning of life, and validity of personality), and the principles of conceptions of musical education (consolidating self expression of personality and division of the development of abilities) prove the uniqueness of the handicapped personality, and connected with it subjective cognition of artistic reality. [...] The present legal base of the Republic of Lithuania gives a sufficient possibility for all the handicapped to choose optimal form of integrated musical education corresponding to their personal abililities that reveals individual personality of the student. The right modeling of context of psychological security (PSC) provides favorable conditions for formation and development of artistic and emotional possibilities of the handicapped. [...] The research showed that integrated musical education (IME), during which the priority is. given to its emotional origin, is not only an important mean for the handicapped children to develop self-expression, their abilities and musical interests, but also promotes perception self validity and helps to strengthen humanistic attitude (expression of friendliness and accepting). The priority of the emotional origin is achieved by applying special methods PMM and colors that inspire emotionality of the students. Integrated musical education has a holistic nature that can embrace both strong and weak sides of each personality. The results of the experiment confirm that IMU makes positive influence on a child’s development and humanistic attitude of the society. The processes involved in fostering the expression of talent and gifts also need to be understood. [...]. [From the publication]

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