Kas pergyventa : 1930-1949 metų dienoraštis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Kas pergyventa: 1930-1949 metų dienoraštis
Alternative Title:
Experiences: a journal from 1930 – 1949
Laukaitytė, Regina, parengė [edt]
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Lietuvos istorijos institutas, 2017.
822 p
Bibliografija išnašose, rodyklės.
Summary / Abstract:

LTPublikuojamas Kauno arkivyskupijos kurijos kanauninko, bazilikos klebono Povilo Dogelio 1930–1949 m. dienoraštis. Autorius rašė savo dienoraštį beveik kasdien, įrašuose fiksavo ne tik sužinotas naujienas, bet ir nusirašinėjo svarbesnius dokumentus. Įvade apžvelgiama P. Dogelio biografija ir visuomeninė veikla, aptariama dienoraščio rankraščių istorija ir jo publikavimo principai. Knygos pabaigoje pateikiama dienoraštyje esančių laiškų, dokumentų bei straipsnių nuorašų rodyklė, santrumpos ir pavardžių rodyklė.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Kauno arkivyskupijos kurija; Dienoraščiai; Biografijos; Šaltiniai; Rankraščiai; Kaunas Archdiocese Curia; Diaries; Biographies; Sources; Manuscripts.

ENThis book is a publication of the journal of the Kaunas Archdiocese Curia canon Povilas Dogelis from the years 1930 to 1949. Dogelis (1877–1949) wrote in his journal almost every day, recording not only the latest news but copying down important documents, letters and articles. It is these copies, especially those that appeared given the efforts of the political opposition (the Nationalists, Bolsheviks and Nazis) in the underground, that make Dogelis’ journal a special historical source in this genre. The book’s introductory article reviews Dogelis’ biography and public activities, discussing the history of the journal manuscript itself, and the principles behind its publication. At the end of the book there is an index of the copies of letters, documents and articles that appear in the journal, a list of abbreviations and an index of names. The book is illustrated with photographs found in museums and archives. The journal is published as an unexpurgated edition, with explanations identifying the figures the author made reference to. The journal is published from four sources – from a typewritten copy spanning the years 1930–1936, kept in the Kaunas Archdiocese Curia archive (this copy is a version prepared by the author himself for printing; in the introductory paragraph he gave his journal a title and added that in 1930 he began writing again, following a four-year break) and the original journal from the years 1937–1949 on loan from the collector, Vytautas Lekutis. The latter contains some gaps, most of which have been eliminated having found separate fragments of the original pages and copies in the collections of the National Martynas Mažvydas Library and the Kaunas War Museum.

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