Zubovų giminė ir Šiaulių miesto savivaldos reikalai XIX amžiuje (giminės integracijos į miesto visuomenę, aspektas)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Zubovų giminė ir Šiaulių miesto savivaldos reikalai XIX amžiuje (giminės integracijos į miesto visuomenę, aspektas)
Alternative Title:
Zubov family and self-governance matters of Šiauliai town in the nineteenth century (the aspect of the family integration into the town community)
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Dūma; Lietuviškoji Zubovų giminės šaka; Platonas Zubovas; Rusijos imperija (Russian Empire); Sociokultūrinis ir ekonominis Šiaulių miesto gyvenimas; Zubovų giminė; Šiaulių miesto savivalda XIX a.; "Lithuanian" brunch of the Zubow family; Duma; Lithuania; Platon Zubow; Russian Empire; Self-governance of Šiauliai town 19th century; Sociocultural and economic life of Šiauliai; The Zubov family.

ENThe Zubov family is a renowned family in the history of both Russia and Lithuania. The article dwells on the ways and methods leading to the shift of the orientation of the "Lithuanian" branch of the family from Russia's interests to those of Lithuania. The article offers a facto- graphic description of the peculiarities manifested by the Zubov family in their relationship with the town of Šiauliai in the 19th century, highlights the Zubovs' role in self-governance related matters, their input in meeting the economic needs of the town, and finally briefly surveys their impact on sociocultural processes. The analysis serves as a basis in defining formal or official "contextual" premises for the integration of the family in question into the town community. The author of the article claims that Russian municipal reform of 1870 provided grounds for the Zubov family to integrate into the life of the town. In contrast to the first period of relations between the Zubov family and the town (1797-1879) where the Zubovs played no active role in tire urban life and even facts pertaining to clashes between the town and the family were documented, the integration process during the second period (1879-1914) was characterized by their extremely active position in the matters of the town. Members of the family were actually key figures in the government of the town, organising its everyday life and dealing with the arising problems. Tangible results of their activities can be traced in the town's economic and cultural matters. Hence, the active position of the Zubov family in the self-governance of the town turned to be a major official "contextual" premise for the successful integration of the family into the sociocultural and economic life of Šiauliai and Lithuania. [From the publication]

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