Savigynos imtynes ir dziudo kultivuojančių studentų emocinės būsenos ypatumai varžybų dieną

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Savigynos imtynes ir dziudo kultivuojančių studentų emocinės būsenos ypatumai varžybų dieną
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of emotions of sambo and judo athletes students on the competition day
In the Journal:
Sporto mokslas [Sports science]. 2014, Nr. 3 (77), p. 46-50
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Emocinė būsena; Emocinė būsena situacinis nerimas; Savigynos ir dziudo imtynininkai; Situacinis nerimas; Studentai; Emotional state; Sambo and judo athletes; Situational anxiety; Students.

ENThe lack of scientific research on duel athletes’ emotional condition prior competitions put forward the scientific problem, when the uncertainty if the representatives’ of Olympic (judo) and non- Olympic (sambo) sports pre-competition conditions differ. Thus, the aim of the research was to analyse peculiarities of emotions of sambo and judo student athletes on the competition day. Research tasks: 1. To define and compare sambo and judo student athletes’ emotions, activity and mood. 2. To identify and level the respondents’ situational anxiety on the day of competition. The survey was carried by using two questionnaires: SAN test and S. Spielberg-J. Chanin scale (Практическая психодиагностика: методы и тесты, 2003). The SAN test is combined of the letters: S – feelings, A – activity and N – mood. The test consisted of 30 pairs of words with opposite meaning reflecting different peculiarities of feelings, activity and mood. Each of the category describes 10 pairs of words: 10 – feelings, 10 – activity and 10 – mood. In this test emotional state was scored from 1 to 9 points: 1-3 – low, 4–6 – medium and 7–9 – high. S. Spielberg-J. Chanin's scale was used to determine the situational anxiety level at a given moment. It contains of 20 questions. The data received is evaluated accordingly: 0–30 points – low anxiety, 31–45 points – medium anxiety and 46 and more – high anxiety. Empirical research data was collected in 2013. The respondents in the survey were 48 sambo and 55 judo athletes students from Lithuania (n=103) aged x=21.3 ± 2.4 years, their sporting career 6.5 ± 2.1 years. The respondents filled in the questionnaires at the day of competition, right before the weighting procedure. Statistical data analysis used SPSS 21.0 software package, whereas Student’s t-test was used to determine the credibility of mean difference.Likewise, χ2 (chi square test) criterion allowed to compare different group results, when p<0,05 difference was regarded as statistically significant. The study have demonstrated that on the competition day the level of sambo and judo student athletes activity (56 % of sambo and 52 % of judo athletes) and mood (75 % of sambo and 70 % of judo student athletes) was high. Yet, the level of situational anxiety remained low – 69 % of sambo and 70 % judo athletes high level emotions (69 % of sambo and 68 % of judo athletes). Therefore, our hypothesis that the representatives’ emotional conditions from Olympic (judo) and non- Olympic (sambo) sports differ was not confirmed, as sambo and judo student athletes’ emotional conditions on the competition day did not differ. [From the publication]

2424-3949; 1392-1401
2022-11-07 15:44:57
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