Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo porinės dvivietės irkluotojų rengimas metiniu ciklu

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo porinės dvivietės irkluotojų rengimas metiniu ciklu
Alternative Title:
Preparation of Lithuanian elite double sculling rowers in yearly training cycle
In the Journal:
Sporto mokslas [Sports science]. 2013, Nr. 4 (74), p. 23-29
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Fizinis krūvis; Funkcinis pajėgumas; Irklavimas; Metinis ciklas; Raumenų galingumas; Functional capacity; Muscle capacity; Rowing; Training load; Yearly training cycle.

ENRowing is a very popular sport in Lithuania with its good traditions. The athletes practicing it are the ones having achieved remarkable victories in international competitions. In these latter years, Lithuanian rowers experienced a special success having achieved high results in London Olympic Games, becoming medal winners in 2013 in European and World Championships, the champions of Universiade. Lithuanian scientific literature deals with issues on rowers’ preparation, change of their body and functional capacities (Petkus et al., 2000; 2009; Petkus, Raslanas, 2007, Petkus, 2009; 2010), however, there exists a lack of the works dealing with the structure of yearly training cycle, as well as with the generalized training process during the final stage of preparation for the main international events. We presume that the research on Lithuanian elite double sculling rowers’ R.M. and S.R. would disclose peculiarities of their training process, specific features of their body and functional capacities, while the results of the research would be helpful for the athletes’ future progress. The aim of the work was to investigate peculiarities of Lithuanian elite double sculling rowers’ body and functional capacities change, as well as of the athletes’ preparation during yearly training cycle in general. The methodics: two members of Lithuanian national team, double sculling rowers participated in the research. Athletes’ training load during yearly cycle was under analysis, the main somatometric variables and physiometric parameters of physical body development were established. Efficiency of anaerobic alactic energy production mechanisms was evaluated according to momentum and mean working capacity in 10 sec duration work on rowing ergometer Concept II. Gas analyzer "Oxycon Mobile" was used to establish aerobic capacity.The research results highlighted rather good results in organization of Lithuanian elite double sculling rowers’ preparation process. During yearly training cycle, an optimal training load was carried out, which was correctly split into separate zones of intensity and was appropriately decreased approaching the main competitions. The indicated factors were of positive influence on the high sport results in international events, as Lithuanian double sculling rowers for the first time in history became the World vice-champions. During the yearly training cycle, starting from preparatory period beginning and up to the competitive period, maximal and mean absolute and relative anaerobic alactic muscle capacity experienced an equal increase: 9.3 percent for S.R., 9.3 percent for R.M., the relative capacity – respectively 8.7 percent and 9.1 percent, while mean working capacity of the athletes in 10 sec duration work used to increase respectively: 9.4 and 8.8 percent for S.R., and 9.2 and 9.0 percent for R.M., which influenced paddle capacity. The training load, applied during yearly training cycle, was of positive influence on the change of aerobic capacity indices at ATL and CIL. The level of those indices is in correspondence with the strongest world rowers’ level indicated in literature sources. The indices of the both athletes’ body and functional capacities during yearly training cycle became very similar in parameters due to applied training load and character of competitions. This is a desirable phenomenon in double sculls rowing sport, as the victory of event is determined by equal high physical capacities possessed by both rowers. [From the publication]

2424-3949; 1392-1401
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2022-11-07 15:44:52
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