Sostinės Vilniaus apsaugos ir gynybos reglamentavimas nepaprastosios padėties sąlygomis XVI a. viduryje - XVII a.

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sostinės Vilniaus apsaugos ir gynybos reglamentavimas nepaprastosios padėties sąlygomis XVI a. viduryje - XVII a
Alternative Title:
Regulation of protection and defence of capital Vilnius in the state of emergency in mid-sixteenth – seventeenth centuries
In the Journal:
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis [Yearbook of Lithuanian History]. 2016, 2015/2, p. 33-48
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Vilnius; Apsauga; Gynyba, teritorinė; Vilnius; Teritorial defence; Protection.

ENVilnius, the old capital of Lithuania, lost part of its functions as a political centre of the state in the 1560s. The inauguration ceremony of the Grand Duke of Lithuania was no longer held in Vilnius Cathedral. But even then Vilnius remained a political, religious and cultural hub of Lithuania. The status of Vilnius as the capital was retained in the mind of the public until the end of the 17th century, and it was continuously declared in the state documents. Politicians of Lithuania particularly focused on protection and defence of the capital in the state of emergency: when an enemy attack was imminent, in the event of levy in mass, with Vilnius voivode (a palatine, a high-ranking official) rode to war, and during an interregnum. Measures for protection and defence of the capital were insistently reiterated at meetings and councils of estates of all the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the constitutions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania approved by the joint Diets of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Poland from early to late 17th century. Those constitutions served as the basis for appointing senators in charge of safety and order in the capital and officials of the Lithuanian treasury who were entrusted with additional obligations. Usually one voivode was appointed in charge of the capital along with one castellan. As a rule, they were joined by the bishop of Vilnius, the treasurer of Vilnius land, and officials of the treasury. They had to fulfil their duties through communication with the Castle Court and town authorities. In 1655, the officials responsible for the capital implemented its protection and defence in practice for the first time under a direct threat of assault from Russia and Cossack army. The protection and defence of the capital was regulated in accordance with the constitutions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania until the very end of the 17th century. [From the publication]

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