Jaunimo kultūrų įvairovė: gatvės meno projektai kaip nusikalstamo elgesio prevencija

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Jaunimo kultūrų įvairovė: gatvės meno projektai kaip nusikalstamo elgesio prevencija
Alternative Title:
Youth cultural diversity: street art projects as prevention of delinquent behavior
In the Journal:
Socialinis ugdymas [Social Education]. 2014, Nr. 2 (38), p. 68-82
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama gatvės meno subkultūros ištakos, raida ir įtaka jaunimo socializacijos procesui. Pateikiama Lietuvoje gatvės meną profesionaliai plėtojančių menininkų apklausos duomenų analizė, aptariami socialinio meninio projekto ypatumai , įvertinama patirtis dalyvaujant projekte „Cred Ability: kurti ir akredituoti mokymo programą, teikti menus Europos kalėjimuose“. Daroma išvada, kad gatvės meno projektai yra optimalus socialinės rizikos grupių jaunimo įtraukties bei nusikalstamumo prevencijos būdas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Gatvės menas; Jaunimas; Nusikalstamumo prevencija; Socialiniai meniniai projektai; Įvairovė; Art and social projects; Diversity; Prevention of criminality; Street art; Youth.

ENThe aimof the study is to reveal the street art projects as youth crime prevention measures options. Tasks: 1) to review the evolution of street art in social terms; 2) to analyze street art project expert experience in organizing and conducting social arts projects with disadvantaged youth in Lithuania. Qualitative study conducted in 2014 using a semi-structured interview method. Conclusions: In the twenty-first century we are witnessing an evolving street art and it’sdynamic conquestof cities in the world. Hip-hop style and fashion is a massively popular among young people, so it is important to use street art activities in social work with young people and to help young people understand the difference between the aesthetic forms of street art, professional graffiti and vandalism, criminal activity, and how these different choices lead to different outcomes. Street art projects as a social art practice and prevention of delinquent behavior practice helps young people to distract from unacceptable behaviour and to optpositive socialization. Lackof social workers professional approach to street artculture, lack of managerial skills of the street art advocates and lack of dissemination interfere with projects’ optimal development and continuity. Study results imply an insight about theemerging need to train professional social art specialists. [From the publication]

1392-9569; 2351-6011
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