Dekalogas: "Išėjimo knygos" 20, 1-17 vertimas ir leksikografinės pastabos

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Dekalogas: "Išėjimo knygos" 20, 1-17 vertimas ir leksikografinės pastabos
Alternative Title:
Decalogue: the translation of the "Book of Exodus" 20: 1-17 and lexicographical notes
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2017, Nr. 1, p. 61-73
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pristatomas „Išėjimo knygos“ Dekalogo teksto interlinijinis vertimas su leksikografinėmis pastabomis, pasiūloma nauja literatūrinė šios perikopės versija. Autoriai Lituanisticoje jau yra publikavę keletą tokio pobūdžio studijų, siūlydami naujus literatūrinius Pradžios knygos 1–3 sk. vertimus (žr. Lituanistica, 2014, t. 60, Nr. 1, Nr. 3; 2015, t. 61, Nr. 1). Šįkart gilinamasi į teisinę Senojo Testamento prozą. Šiomis publikacijomis siekiama paakinti Biblijos tyrėjus ir filologus profesionaliu lygmeniu intensyvinti mūsuose visais laikais bendrakultūriniame kontekste aktualias ar net privalomas diskusijas apie Biblijos teksto vertimą, prisidėti prie skirtingų tradicijų turtingos Biblijos vertimų į lietuvių kalbą istorijos tęstinumo. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dekalogas; Išėjimo knyga; Teisinė proza; Paraidinis vertimas; Leksikografinės pastabos; Literatūrinis vertimas; Senojo Testamento etika; Decalogue; Book of Exodus; Legal prose; Literal version; Lexicographical notes; Literary translation; Old Testament ethics.

ENIn this paper a new translation of the Book of Exodus 20:1–17 from the biblical Hebrew into Lithuanian is proposed. The translation is based on interlinear rendering of the text from one language to the other and on lexicographical notes. When translating a text in such a mode, the translator is primarily bound by the morphology and syntax of the original text and, of course, by its lexicon in the original meaning of the stems. On the one hand, it is only an interlinear version that transports the meaning of the text from the original to its new home in another language, but at the same time it also has an undisputed value, essentially due to keeping the translator as faithful to the original text as possible and providing him or her with the intuitive balance between its meaning and interpretation. The lexicographical notes explain what is going on in the literal interlinear version and, at the same time, expose the latitude of the semantics of the original lexicon. In addition, such philological observations provide a background for the translators’ decision about one or another option in rendering the meaning of the text into another language. Finally, the newly proposed version is compared with the translation of Antanas Rubšys done between 1990 and 1995. This comparison shows evident differences between both versions; it also calls up the truth about the inexhaustible richness of the original biblical text, which is always open to new and diverse interpretations. At present, professional academic discourse with regard to the problems of translation of biblical texts is hardly noticeable and very fragmented in Lithuania. Hence this paper aims to encourage professional biblical scholars and philologists to intensify such a discussion and respective research. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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