Petras Dvaranauskas – kunigas ir visuomenės veikėjas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Petras Dvaranauskas – kunigas ir visuomenės veikėjas
Alternative Title:
Petras Dvaranauskas – a priest and a community worker
In the Journal:
Terra Jatwezenorum [Jotvingių kraštas: jotvingių krašto istorijos paveldo metraštis]. 2016, 8, 1, p. 143-149, 281, 296
20 amžius.
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Kunigas Petras Dvaranauskas (1863–1958); Lietuvių ir lenkų santykiai; Petras Dvaranauskas; Seinų kraštas; Lithuanian and Polish relations; Petras Dvaranauskas; Priest Petras Dvaranauskas (1863–1958); Region of Seinai.

ENCanon Petras Dvaranauskas was one of the eminent priests and the defender of the rights of Lithuanian Catholics in Seinai region. He worked in a printing house and was a very active member of the community. Priest Petras Dvaranauskas was an earnest servant of church, as well as a conscious Lithuanian fighting for his fellow believers and defending them from harm experienced on their own land. Despite his views, Petras Dvaranauskas never led activities directed against the Poles, their nation or culture. He respected all the believers. He wanted people of various nationalities to have the possibility to listen to the word of God and pray in church, as well as at home, in their native language. Canon Petras Dvaranauskas was a good priest and generous protector who cared more about the welfare of other people than about his own interests. The priest could serve as an example to the current clergy while his ideas should be followed by others. He understood that the believers should be brothers and sisters to one another, regardless their nationality and social status. [From the publication]

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