Aleksandro Jogailaičio laikų pasiuntiniai į Lenkijos karalystę

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Aleksandro Jogailaičio laikų pasiuntiniai į Lenkijos karalystę
Alternative Title:
Legates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania to the Kingdom of Poland during the Reign of Alexander Jagiellonian
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2016, Nr. 3, p. 170-186
Summary / Abstract:

LTPasitelkus prozopografinį metodą, straipsnyje siekiama apibrėžti ir charakterizuoti Aleksandro Jogailaičio laikų LDK pasiuntinių į Lenkijos karalystę korpusą, išnagrinėti atskirų asmenų diplomatinę veiklą, jos ypatumus. Diplomatiniai santykiai buvo palaikomi valdovo vardu, tačiau su Ponų tarybos žinia. 1492–1506 m. įvairiuose šaltiniuose užfiksuota 20 pasiuntinybių, į kurias vyko maždaug 28 asmenys, priklausę Ponų tarybai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Didžioji Kunigaikštystė (LDK; Grand Duchy of Lithuania; GDL); Lenkija (Lenkijos karalystė. Kingdom of Poland. Poland); Aleksandras, 1461-1506 (Aleksandras II, Aleksandras Jogailaitis, Alexander Jagiellon); Pasiuntinių tarnyba; Valdovo dvaro pareigūnai; Polish Kingdom; Alexander Jagiellonian; Office of legates; Officers of the court.

ENRelations between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland occupy an important place in Polish and Lithuanian historiography. However, historians did not pay much attention to the role of Lithuanian diplomatic corps (if it existed) in the development of the interaction of two neighbouring states. The aim of this paper is to define the diplomatic corps of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Kingdom of Poland during the reign of Alexander Jagiellonian, and to discuss the emissaries’ different practices and their peculiarities. The prosopographical method was employed, which allowed investigation of common characteristics of the Lithuanian legates in Poland to trace the multiplicity of their career lines. The period under analysis – the reign of Alexander Jagiellonian in 1492–1506 – is very important for the political history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. During this time, the court of the grand duke was fully developed and the Council of Lords was institutionalized de jure. Diplomatic relations were maintained on behalf of the ruler, but with the consent of the Council of Lords. From 1492 to 1506, twenty legations were recorded in different sources, which were held by approximately 28 persons who belonged to the Council of Lords. The issues of union were dealt with in June 1492, August 1496, February 1499, in 1501–1502, and from 1504 to 1506. The highest state officials were sent to Poland: bishops of Vilnius (three times), bishops of Samogitia (three times) and Luck (twice), the voivode of Trakai, the castellans of Vilnius and Trakai, the voivode of Polotsk and the like.To solve the problems of ordinary diplomatic relations and collaboration during the time of wars, the officers from the court of the grand duke were usually sent to Poland as well. It should be mentioned that the ruler’s marshals went to Poland ten times and the court or land marshals went to Poland twice; also, such officers as the Steward or Seneschal (stolnik and podstolnik), the Master of Horse (koniushy), the Cutter (krajczy), the Kitchener (kuchmistrz), and the Treasurer (podskarbnik) went there as well. Comparing the service of the legates of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland, it should be noted that the composition of the Lithuanian diplomatic service was quite different. The Royal Chancery headed by the Chancellor (kanclerz) and his Lieutenant (podkanclerz) was responsible for the foreign policy of the Crown. The situation in Lithuania was similar. However, it was mostly secretaries, notaries or their family members (not marshals and courtiers like in Lithuania) who were Polish envoys in foreign countries. Their social position also differed. Among Polish legates, there were thirty representatives of the gentry, twenty of them were nobles, and nine represented the burghers. Lithuanian legates were mostly aristocrats. It seems more likely that the aim of such Lithuanian policy in choosing diplomatic staff was to send legates who had more political weight; also, the nobles were better educated people with good eloquence. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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