LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Aliatyvas; Chylinskis; Chylinskis, Samuelis Boguslawas; Inesyvas; Naujasis Testamentas; Postpozicinis vietininkas; Rimties vietininkas; Struktūrinė analizė; Vertimas; Allative case; Chylinski, Samuel Boguslaw; Chylinskis; Inessive case; Localcasus; New Testament; Postpositional local case; Structural analysis; Translation.
ENThis article proposes a structural analysis of the system of local cases in Chylinskis’ translation of the New Testament. Whereas the opposition between the stative local cases (inessive and adessive) is basically neutralized, their distribution being determined by an animacy hierarchy (the adessive marks noun phrases that arc high in animacy), the opposition in terms of case meanings between illative and allative is retained at least to a certain extent. Though inessives of animates are rare, both allatives and incssives of inanimates arc well attested. The process of neutralization of case meanings was thus slower in the case of the lative cases than in that of the stative cases. The reason was probably that the system of local cases was asymmetrical: the allative could be used as an unmarked lative case opposed to the marked inessive case, a case function that had no counterpart in the system of stative local cases. [From the publication]