LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baltų kalbos; Fortunatovo teorija; Kirčiavimas; Mišrieji dvibalsiai; Priegaidės; Prūsų kalba; Senoji prūsų kalba; Tvirtapradis mišrusis dvigarsis; Baltic languages; Falling diphtong; Fortunatov's theory; Intonations; Mixed diphthongs; Old Prusian; Old Prussian; Stress; Tones.
ENIn the Old Prussian Enchiridion if a syllabic containing a mixed diphthong was stressed, the distinction between rising and falling intonations could not be shown in print, thus, c.g., iawäldnikans, sendraugiweldnikai andpogälbenikan the correct syllabic was stressed, although type-setting problems precluded the possibility of marking the correct intonation. [From the publication]