LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Baltų kalbos; Dendronimai; Etimologija; Ide. kalbos; Medžių pavadinimai; Prūsų kalba; Rekonstrukcija; Senoji prūsų kalba; Arboreal terminology; Baltic languages; Dendronyms; Etymology; Indo-European languages; Old Prusian; Prussian; Reconstruction.
ENThe present article represents the first part of a planned scries of studies analyzing gradually the arboreal terminology in all Indo-European branches. Besides the survey of the known lexical data and existing etymologies there arc proposed some new solutions here, c.g. Balt *aniolis ‘oak’ consisting of the prefix *an(t) (cf. antkainis ‘Gebirge’: kalnas ‘Berg’) & the base attested in Lith žuolis ‘Baumstamm’. [From the publication]